Friday, May 22, 2009

The Sacrifice

Jonah 2:9 – But as for me, with the voice of thanksgiving I will sacrifice to you what I have vowed, I will pay. Salvation belongs to Jehovah.

The preparation season of your life will also require a sacrifice. The things you would readily do may have to be rescheduled. You will miss out on some fun activities because God is drawing you nearer to His Presence for further instructions.

You will sometimes have to sacrifice relationships. Some of your current friendships will not have the right ingredient to last in the next level of your destiny. You will have to leave some relationships behind because not everyone will understand your sacrifice, as you prepare.

Some people will tell you that it does not require “all that” to do what God has called you to do. They will not understand your dedication to the process or your willingness to give your time to it.

Others will not be able to understand, agree, or even comprehend your destiny and the plans you have to attain it. In the back of their minds, there will always be the thought that they knew you “back then.” Since they have witnessed many of your mistakes and failures, they will not believe that God is speaking to you about the great destiny He has in store for you. If you are not careful, and do not have a willingness to let go of these relationships, you can become discouraged from pursuing God and His plans for you.

It truly requires a sacrifice to go all the way with God. It is called a living sacrifice.

Please ponder and meditate on this?

How willing are you to sacrifice what is necessary to fulfill your destiny?

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