Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Need for Preparation

II Timothy 3:17 (NIV) - So that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

During the early years of my life, my grandmother, Elizabeth, taught me about the need for preparation. She not only taught me how to prepare for life, but she taught me what was needed and necessary in the preparation process.

The first thing she revealed to me that required preparation was my need for a Savior in the form of Jesus Christ. From an early age she took me to church but did not push me to accept Christ. She regularly prayed and prepared the way for me to encounter Him.

When I gave my heart to the Lord, at the age of twelve, she was the first to share it with the family. I must say that many of my family members told me that I was too young, and it would not stick. I am here to tell you that I was not too young, and I have been saved for many years because my grandmother prepared me to encounter my Savior.

Each of you must prepare those you love to encounter the Savior no matter how young they are. God begins to work on the hearts of His children from an early age so they will not miss any time in their relationship with Him.

Each night my grandmother helped me prepare my attire for the next school day, and each morning she prepared breakfast and lunch for me. In all of this, my grandmother recognized and fulfilled a need in me. She equipped me with what I needed to ensure that I produced good work. You were born with a need to prepare for life, your future, and your destiny.

Please ponder and meditate on this:
Do you understand that preparation is a must for your destiny?

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