Monday, May 11, 2009

Our Submission

James 4:7 – Therefore, submit to God. But resist the devil and he will flee from you.

In order for you to totally submit, you must model yourself after the example of Jesus. You must acknowledge that submission is a part of the will of God for your life. You must first yield your will over to God with the full understanding that He will mold and shape you into the image and likeness of His Son.

As you begin submitting to the preparation process, the Bible encourages you to submit to one another -- to earthly authority, to men, to leaders, and to masters. To willingly submit yourself to these authorities, you should know that there is no loss of dignity; but there will be an increase in the power of God in your life.

Submission is not a subservient word or position. It takes a powerful person to truly submit to another’s authority. Submission requires obedience even when you are not in full agreement. It is the total surrender of what you may think and believe to allow someone else the opportunity to be right. That takes power!

Have you ever been in a heated discussion and you knew without a doubt that you were right, but in order to bring peace to the situation, you backed off? That is submission. Even though you were right, you yielded to another person’s desire to be right in order to bring harmony. You give up your right to be right, and that decision has the power to transform your relationships and change the lives of the people who receive the benefit of your submission.

Please ponder and meditate on this:

How can I experience the power in submission?

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