Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Outside Influences

Romans 13:8 – Do not you people be owing anybody a single thing, except to love one another; for he that loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law.

You can be hindered and stopped by the influences of others. Many times, you will encounter people, including family and friends, who do not believe that you are truly hearing from God because of the greatness of the destiny He is revealing to you. These outside influences can keep you from obtaining your destiny because of their belief system. If they do not believe that you are hearing from God, they can deposit their doubt in you and cause you to question whether you are truly hearing God.

Many of you will walk away from your destiny because you do not have the support of your family and friends. You believe if they cannot see the greatness of your destiny, no one else will. That is a lie from the enemy. Most of the time, the people that are closest to you are unable to clearly see because of their foreknowledge of you.

You cannot base your entire destiny on what people think or say because you will miss out on great opportunities every time. Give them the respect of hearing them out, but do what the older generation says: “grind your own meal.” Make your own decision. In the final analysis, God is the only one who knows what you have been equipped to accomplish since He did the equipping. The only thing He asks of you is to love one another.

You can trust that He will not lead you astray but will only lead you down the best path for your life. He is the only influence that you must truly consider. Trust the work He has faithfully begun in you and know that He will not stop until it is fully accomplished. Hear the counsel of your family and friends; but decide that you will base your final decision on the wisest counsel of all, the counsel of the Holy Spirit of God.

Please ponder and meditate on this:

Who is influencing your belief about what God has spoken to you?

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