Thursday, June 4, 2009

Joseph’s Journey to His Destiny

Genesis – 37:5 – Then Joseph had a dream. When he told it to his brothers, they hated him even more.

Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery and he ended up in Egypt in Potiphar’s house. Joseph found himself alone and in a strange country with no one to depend on but God for support, encouragement, and direction because of his isolation. Joseph was at a place in his life where he had to depend and rely totally on God.

This season in his life would develop a deeper and more abiding relationship with God. God would become his refuge, his confidant, and the only one who would hear his cry and grant him deliverance. In his journey, Joseph encountered times of testing that would equip him for the destiny God had selected him to fulfill.

His first test came in the form of Potiphar’s wife who tried to seduce him while he was a servant in his master’s house. This first test was a flesh test. In this test, God allowed Joseph to be tempted so that Joseph could see what was in his heart. When he faced this test, he told Potiphar’s wife that he would not sin against his God. I want you to notice that Joseph’s focus was on God, and he was determined to do nothing that would be a stain on God’s name.

His next test was a position test. In this test, Joseph found himself in prison serving thirteen years for a crime he did not commit. Prison was a place of hardship and lack for a young man who was beloved and favored at home. Joseph, in this lowly position, continued to trust God and to serve Him with all of his heart. He did not have an attitude because he was demoted but served where he was planted.

Please ponder and meditate on this:

What is your attitude when you are demoted or not appreciated?

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