Monday, June 8, 2009

Hindrances to Your Destiny

I Thessalonians 2:18 (NIV) - For we wanted to come to you certainly I, Paul, did, again and again but Satan stopped us.

You have all encountered times when you have been hindered from getting something you truly wanted. On the journey to your destiny, many of you will encounter hindrances that are designed to discourage you from the pursuit.

You have to recognize these hindrances and allow God to show you how to overcome them. It is the enemy’s job to discourage and to keep you from moving forward, but it is your job to resist him and overcome all of the tactics he places in your path on the way to your destiny.

He is on an outright attack to keep the blessings of God from flowing into your life. When he tries his best to hinder you, remember that the greater One lives in you and He gives you the power to overcome in every situation.

You must tap into the power source, which is the Holy Spirit, so that you can withstand any attempt of the enemy to keep you in mediocrity and away from your destination. God’s plans for your life are marvelous and He desires that you experience all He has for you. Do not let the enemy keep you from attaining these great plans for your life.

Please ponder and meditate on this:

What has been hindering me from fulfilling my destiny?

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