Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Preferred Choice

Romans 5:8 – But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

You are God’s preferred choice. He is whispering those words into your heart right now. While we were still in sin and because of His preference for us, Christ came to give His life so we could experience God’s preferential treatment once again. You are preferred because God chose you – you were His preference.

You are His choice because He desires to use your life to bring glory and honor to Him. He has handpicked you and then appointed you to fulfill something special for Him. Since you are His preference, there is something unique that only you can do to show Him you truly understand that preferential treatment comes with responsibilities.

These responsibilities are not outside the scope of God’s plan for your life. Remember that Jesus was also God’s preference and He fulfilled some great responsibilities. As a result, God used Him to demonstrate His great love for you and me. Take time to celebrate that you are His preferred choice.

Ponder and meditate on this question:

What makes me God’s preferred choice?

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