Friday, February 27, 2009

Called To Worship

John 4:23 – Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshippers that the Father seeks.

God is looking for ‘true’ worshippers. These worshippers are those of us who:
Know we are called to worship the ONLY true God of the universe.
Make it a daily habit to seek the face of God.
Understand that everything in creation was created to worship God.

God IS entirely deserving of your our worship.

A ‘true’ worshipper is a person who is:
Grateful and thankful

We were created to have dominion and govern planet earth, but another significant part of our destiny is to become a worshipper of the true and living God. We were called to give Him praise, thanks, adoration and worship.

To worship denotes having deep intimacy with God where we demonstrate our humility toward Him. As we bow down before Him, we will discover that He desires to give us a future filled with hope and blessings (Jer. 29:11). God loves and welcomes our worship; and, when we take time to lift our voices to Him, we discover abundant favor in our lives.

Many of us have discovered that when we praise our parents, spouses, bosses, friends, etc. there are rewards. God does the same for anyone who will take the time to worship and adore Him. He rewards us!

Make a decision to spend time worshipping the Father of Heaven and earth – then watch Him work in amazing ways.

Ponder and meditate on this question:

· How can I truly give my all in worship to God?

I pray you will be blessed beyond measure in Jesus name.

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