Friday, February 20, 2009

Many Are Called

Many Are Called

Matthew 22:14a (NIV) – For many are called……

God’s voice has been calling out to mankind for centuries. He is calling us into a relationship with Him and invites us into His presence. Each person birthed by God receives this call.

All six billion plus people on planet earth have the ability to hear God’s call, if they are tuned in to hearing His still, small voice. The call of God is an invitation for you to draw near to hear about His plans and destiny for your life. He first called Adam and Eve and they initially responded but later answered another call which led them off the path of wholeness and unto a path of brokenness.

Because of their disobedience, Adam and Eve could no longer hear His call. They were lost and alone without Him. We would have also been lost and alone, but He had a plan to call us back to Himself. The plan was redemption through the sacrifice of His Son. He continues to call His children, but only a few will respond with a heartfelt decision to become totally His. Others hear His call, but will not believe He is truly speaking to them. Therefore, they will not follow His leading or embrace His great plan for their lives.

God is still calling out today and He is waiting for many to say, “Yes” to His call.
Are you willing to freely say, “Yes” to His call?
If you chose to say “Yes”, and to go all the way with Him, you will begin to live life filled with adventure and overflowing with His presence on a daily basis.

Please ponder and meditate on this question:

How do I fully embrace God’s call on my life?

I pray God’s abundant favor in your life.

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