Friday, February 27, 2009

Called To Worship

John 4:23 – Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshippers that the Father seeks.

God is looking for ‘true’ worshippers. These worshippers are those of us who:
Know we are called to worship the ONLY true God of the universe.
Make it a daily habit to seek the face of God.
Understand that everything in creation was created to worship God.

God IS entirely deserving of your our worship.

A ‘true’ worshipper is a person who is:
Grateful and thankful

We were created to have dominion and govern planet earth, but another significant part of our destiny is to become a worshipper of the true and living God. We were called to give Him praise, thanks, adoration and worship.

To worship denotes having deep intimacy with God where we demonstrate our humility toward Him. As we bow down before Him, we will discover that He desires to give us a future filled with hope and blessings (Jer. 29:11). God loves and welcomes our worship; and, when we take time to lift our voices to Him, we discover abundant favor in our lives.

Many of us have discovered that when we praise our parents, spouses, bosses, friends, etc. there are rewards. God does the same for anyone who will take the time to worship and adore Him. He rewards us!

Make a decision to spend time worshipping the Father of Heaven and earth – then watch Him work in amazing ways.

Ponder and meditate on this question:

· How can I truly give my all in worship to God?

I pray you will be blessed beyond measure in Jesus name.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Preferred Choice

Romans 5:8 – But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

You are God’s preferred choice. He is whispering those words into your heart right now. While we were still in sin and because of His preference for us, Christ came to give His life so we could experience God’s preferential treatment once again. You are preferred because God chose you – you were His preference.

You are His choice because He desires to use your life to bring glory and honor to Him. He has handpicked you and then appointed you to fulfill something special for Him. Since you are His preference, there is something unique that only you can do to show Him you truly understand that preferential treatment comes with responsibilities.

These responsibilities are not outside the scope of God’s plan for your life. Remember that Jesus was also God’s preference and He fulfilled some great responsibilities. As a result, God used Him to demonstrate His great love for you and me. Take time to celebrate that you are His preferred choice.

Ponder and meditate on this question:

What makes me God’s preferred choice?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Set Apart For God

II Timothy 2:21 – If a man therefore purges himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the Master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.

Do you know that God has selected and set you apart for Himself? Since you began your life with Him and prior to your earthly birth, He chose, sanctified, equipped and then He prepared you for use in His Kingdom. “Sanctification” means that God has purposely set you apart to bless you. He has done this so you could be a vessel of honor. This means you are a special, handpicked vessel that will represent Him well to the world -- a vessel that will work hand-in-hand with Him to accomplish a great work in His kingdom.

It should be our greatest desire to be vessels of gold and silver that are purified and ready to be used by God for good works in His kingdom.

When God set you apart, he sanctified, declared, and sealed you as belonging to Him. Why don’t you say it – “I absolutely belong to God, and I am special to Him.”

Ponder and meditate on this question:

What does it mean for me to be set apart for God?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Why has God Called You?

Jeremiah 1:5 – Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart, I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.

Many of us have wondered why God has called us.
What does God want from us?
Does He think we are qualified for His call?

God wants us to fulfill the destiny He so carefully planted in our hearts before He birthed us. The scriptures tell us clearly that He knew you prior to selecting the womb, the parents, the city, the country, and the nationality of your birth.

It is evident that you existed in God and He made a specific assignment for your life. Not only did He choose where you would begin life and with whom, but He qualified you for the call He placed in your heart. He called, chose, anointed, and appointed you to fulfill a specific purpose that He birthed in you and it is one that only you can accomplish.

You find your purpose by asking God what He placed in your heart to accomplish for Him. Remember to be still and listen for His answers so that you can begin the process for its fulfillment. God is waiting for you to begin the journey. With every step you take, He will be right there with you cheering you all the way to the finish line. Begin the walk and listen for the cheers.

Ponder and meditate on this question:

Can anyone else truly fulfill my destiny as well as I can?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Accepting The Call

Genesis 12: 1-4 – The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave you country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you, I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse, and all peoples on the earth will be blessed through you. So Abram left, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Haran.

All of us must listen and then respond to God’s call. We have to make a decision to answer when He calls. When He called Abram, He gave him some specific instructions in order that he might walk fully into His calling/destiny.

God told him:
Leave your country – leave your familiar surroundings
Leave your people – separate from your family
Leave your father’s household – leave your place of provision and your comfort zone

After Abram accepted these instructions and was willing to make the sacrifice for his calling, God then gave him some promises:
He would make him a great nation
He would bless him
He would make his name great
He would bless the people who blessed him
He would curse those who cursed him
All people of the earth will be blessed because of Abram

Abram accepted the call, but he did not totally follow all the instructions. He took his nephew Lot with him even though God told him to separate from His family. As a result, he experienced some challenges with Lot. When you hear and accept God’s call for your life, be willing to follow Him completely with the understanding that He knows what is ahead of you, and that He has made the right provisions for your arrival. Remember that any deviation from His instructions can cause you some severe hardship. Ask him to help you to clearly follow where He leads, and however He leads. When you trust Him, He will lead you safely to your destination.

Please ponder and meditate on this question:
What does accepting God’s call mean for my life?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

His Dream – Your Dream

Joel 2:28 – And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and you sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.

Do you know that God has a dream for your life?
Have you discovered His personal dream for you?

God does have an amazing dream and plan for your life. His vision for you was placed in your heart prior to selecting your earthly parents. He has a dream and a plan for every life. He did not forget a single person when He was giving out dream assignments. There is a desire in your heart to do more and to have more out of life. To find out what this desire is, I invite you to go on a treasure hunt.
As a child, what were your interest, talent and passion?
What did you love doing?
What things came naturally to you while growing up?
What have you always been passionate about and still are today?

These interests, talents, and passions are a clue to the dream assignment God has for your life. Your dream is yours alone, and no one can fulfill it for you. God chose you personally for this dream, and He is counting on you for its fulfillment. No one else can fulfill your dream assignment in the way that God intended it to be fulfilled by you.

I encourage you to make a decision to complete every dream assignment God puts in your heart. Do not die with your dreams unfulfilled. Dr. Myles Munroe says it best – he said, “The richest place on earth is the grave yard.” Why is this so?” Because many have died with their dreams and the destinies God planned for their lives, unfulfilled. Declare to yourself that this will never be you. You will indeed fulfill all the assignments God assigned for your life.

Ponder and meditate on this question:

What dream has God called me to fulfill?

My God shower you with His presence and His blessings.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Many Are Called

Many Are Called

Matthew 22:14a (NIV) – For many are called……

God’s voice has been calling out to mankind for centuries. He is calling us into a relationship with Him and invites us into His presence. Each person birthed by God receives this call.

All six billion plus people on planet earth have the ability to hear God’s call, if they are tuned in to hearing His still, small voice. The call of God is an invitation for you to draw near to hear about His plans and destiny for your life. He first called Adam and Eve and they initially responded but later answered another call which led them off the path of wholeness and unto a path of brokenness.

Because of their disobedience, Adam and Eve could no longer hear His call. They were lost and alone without Him. We would have also been lost and alone, but He had a plan to call us back to Himself. The plan was redemption through the sacrifice of His Son. He continues to call His children, but only a few will respond with a heartfelt decision to become totally His. Others hear His call, but will not believe He is truly speaking to them. Therefore, they will not follow His leading or embrace His great plan for their lives.

God is still calling out today and He is waiting for many to say, “Yes” to His call.
Are you willing to freely say, “Yes” to His call?
If you chose to say “Yes”, and to go all the way with Him, you will begin to live life filled with adventure and overflowing with His presence on a daily basis.

Please ponder and meditate on this question:

How do I fully embrace God’s call on my life?

I pray God’s abundant favor in your life.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Called by God

God has called you to fulfill a great destiny. It is a destiny that He deposited in your heart before He placed you in your mother’s womb. When you first realized something significant was missing in your life and you asked Jesus to come into your heart, this destiny was fully manifested in you. The moment He entered, He began by replacing all the negative thoughts and ideas that were planted in you by the devil. Thoughts of:
Doubt was replaced with confidence and assurance.
Fear was replaced with faith.
Unbelief was replaced by a trust in a God who has abundant supplies.
Worry was replaced with the knowledge that He will never leave you or forsake you.

God’s re-entrance into your life causes you to be dissatisfied with an ordinary existence. You have come to the realization that He has not called you to live a mediocre existence but a life filled with confidence and faith. Because God has called you, there is a sense of dissatisfaction when you settle for less than what is in your heart to do. God tugs at your heart so you will not settle for less than the blessings, provisions, and destiny He mapped out for your life. A loving Father, who does not want you to settle for an unremarkable existence, placed the longing you experience to do more, in your heart. 1 Peter 2:9b - ….That you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

This scripture explains why God called you. You were living in darkness, away from His light; and He invited you to come closer so you could experience how living in His light could bring you hope, joy, refreshing, peace, and fullness. His light illuminates your path and leads you down the best pathway for your life. He has called you to experience Him in all His fullness and His glory. When you answered His call, you said, “yes” to His plans, “yes” to His ways, and “yes” to His will for your life. Repeat this to yourself, “I am called, sanctified, and set apart for God’s use. I am singled out, and I am of the finest quality because I am created in the image of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”

Please ponder and meditate on this question:
o Why has God specifically called me?

I pray the abundant blessings of God in your life today!