Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Hosea 1:3a – So he went and married Gomer daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son. 


As I studied the life of Gomer, the prostitute, I could not help but wonder what devastation caused her to choose that life.  In life you will go through many painful experiences; and, if you are not careful to find refuge in God, the enemy will cause you further devastation.  I am sure that Gomer was wounded and needed to be rescued.  God, in His infinite love, sent her a deliverer. 


After marrying the prophet Hosea, God lifted Gomer from a life of pain, lack, and heartache and gave her a home and family with someone well known throughout Israel.  God took her from insignificance to a life of meaning and significance. 


Many of you would have been content to stay there the rest of your life, but not Gomer.  It is clear that she had the love, the protection, and covering of a husband and home, yet she walked away and went back to a life of prostitution.  With her decision, it is apparent that something vital was still missing in her soul and that her old nature had not been crucified.  Gomer was still searching for something.


 I am sure in her marriage to the Prophet she encountered many challenges from the Israeli people that she had to work at overcoming.   Her self-worth and self-esteem had to be at the lowest level when dealing with the challenges and new responsibilities.  She must have needed constant reassurance and encouragement.  Even though God had rescued and redeemed her, she did not find her full sufficiency in Him and her family.  There was a void that was still in her heart.  Therefore, she went back to her former life looking for what she felt was still missing but not finding it.  She only found a deeper level of pain and rejection and would once again require God to rescue and reclaim her.


Ho many times has God delivered us and we still find ourselves back in our old situations.  The love of God will never stop pursuing you no matter what.  He will keep pursuing you until He wins you back because His love for you is amazing.


Please ponder and meditate on this:


What has God delivered me from and am I free indeed?


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