Sunday, April 5, 2009

Called To Serve

Ephesians 6:7-8 – Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever he does, whether he is slave or free.

We often see successes in certain industries because of the service they provide to meet the needs of people. We are designed to serve others. To serve effectively, we must want to serve; and we must determine to serve with our whole heart.

When you begin to serve, you have to decide to pour yourself into every assignment. You give your best service when you realize that you are serving God and not man. Men receive the blessings of your service to the Lord, but God will reward you for every good deed you perform.

God has called us to serve others. We serve in our homes, on the job, in church, in school, in ministry, etc. It is the highest calling of our life to serve people -- whether they are small or great, bound or free.

Jesus is our perfect example of service. He came to earth for one purpose only -- to serve mankind. His service for us required the giving of His life. It is then clear, as we serve, we are giving our lives away for others.

The scriptures tell us to serve wholeheartedly. It means to serve with your heart, your soul, your mind, and your body. You do not withhold any part of your life from fully serving.

When you pour yourself wholeheartedly into everything you do for others, God will pour out His blessing, His favor and His abundance in your life.

Ponder and meditate on this:

Do I serve others with gladness?

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