Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Worshipper

Psalm 95:6 - Come let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our maker.

To be a worshiper is the key to how much you will experience God, discover who you are and fulfill the great destiny He has for यू. Worshiping God is the key to the depth of your experience with God – this is the place where you discover who God created “YOU” to be.

You and I should worship God because He is absolutely deserving and worthy of our worship. After Adam and Eve sinned and gave up their authority to the enemy, God, in His mercy and grace, redeemed us from living eternity in pain, grief, and suffering.

We should have suffered for our sins; but we were released from its penalty because of Jesus’ victory over death, hell, and the grave.

We worship God because Jesus is continuously interceding for us. He is concerned about the situations that we are in, the things that are painful for us to bear, and for the conditions of our lives. He is always praying for us and seeking God’s mercies on our behalf.

We worship God because:

- He loves us
- We love Him
- He is the One and ONLY God
- We have surrendered our lives to Him
- We respect Him
- We adore Him
- We reverence Him
- We honor Him

You will find that, as you develop your personal relationship with God, there are many other reasons that will cause you to bow your knees in total admiration of who He is in your life and for all He does and will do for you.

He is God and is completely worthy of our worship.

Ponder and meditate on this:

How can I surrender my all in worship to God?

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