Monday, March 16, 2009

The Image of God

John 4:24 – “God is a Spirit, and His worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in truth.”

In our last devotion, we talked about how we are created in the image of God. We look like Him, and we are stamped with His nature. We were all created to be a reflection of God to the world. When people see us, they should see God clearly and brilliantly in our lives.

The scripture tells us that God is a Spirit -- this means He does not have a human form. He is invisible to the natural eye, but He is more powerful than our natural form.

We are created in His exact image even though we have a body. The Spirit of God resides in us. We also have an invisible person, our spirit, which was created exactly like God. This person is the real ‘you’ who lives in a physical body. Our spirit man, as he/she is often called, governs our lives, our decisions, and guides us with wisdom.

When we die, we will leave this earthen, natural body. We will exist with God as the spirit being we were created to be before God placed us in our mother’s womb.

The book of Jeremiah tells us that ‘before God placed us in the womb, He knew us’. That means that God had intimate knowledge of each one of us. He knew our spirit! He took our spirit and placed it in our bodies so we could fulfill His plans on earth.

Because we are a spirit, just like God, we are invited to worship Him in spirit and in truth. This means we do not limit our worship of God to our natural understanding. We must give ourselves over to totally worship Him with our hearts, minds, wills, emotions, and bodies. To worship Him in truth means we honestly and sincerely bow down before Him, and we make ourselves an offering to the King.

God invites you into whole-hearted worship so you can experience Him at a deeper and more intimate level.

Ponder and mediate on this:

How can I worship God in spirit and truth?

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