Monday, March 30, 2009
A Holy Nation
When God calls us a holy nation of people, He is talking about a group of people He has consecrated for Himself. You are blessed because God has given you His blessings.
The Bible encourages us to be holy as He is holy (1 Peter 1:16). This means we have the privilege of living a holy life with the help of God. To be holy is to know that you are separated and set aside to be of special use in the service of God.
The Bible teaches that light and darkness cannot co-exist together. God is light; and we were living in darkness, so the two could not meet until the blood of Jesus washed, cleansed, and purified us.
Throughout the Bible, the word holiness is used to define the character of God. The word holy means to be saintly, sacred, and pure; and it defines the loving nature of God. It means that God is separate from evil. God personifies holiness in all of His attributes, and He calls you to live a life of holiness.
When Jesus walked the earth, evil spirits recognized Him as being holy because He is the Son of God with God’s nature.
It is possible for us to live a holy and pleasing life because God lives in us. When we are faced with the choice to either do good or bad, He is there with the answers. When we ask for His help, God will help us to overcome temptation and will always provide the way of escape for us.
Ponder and meditate on this:
Is it possible to live a holy and pleasing life before God?
Friday, March 27, 2009
A Royal Priesthood
The Bible says you are a royal priesthood. This means you are part of a royal family of priests. You are of the family of God. Because of ‘whose’ you are, you stand out in a crowd. He who lives in you is the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
In the Old Testament a high priest was consecrated to God. In the New Testament a high priest is not only consecrated but is holy, blameless and divine in nature. Jesus is our great high priest and He is holy and pure. He is our ultimate high priest.
You and I represent Jesus -- our high priest. The New Testament clearly teaches the priesthood of all believers. 1 Peter 2:5 says, “You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” This means that we share in all of Christ’s priestly activities. Each time we share the Word of God with someone, we are acting as a priest in the Kingdom of God. When we bring people into a relationship with Jesus Christ, we are acting as priests.
As our High Priest, Jesus understands all of our needs and He is concerned about us. He daily speaks to God about us. We are never alone in the struggles we are facing. He is always with us! When we find ourselves in the midst of difficulties, if we look closely, we will find that He is ahead of us in the problem and already has the solutions prepared for us.
Our great High Priest, Jesus, is always available to us. He is not distant but is as close as the breath we breathe. Hold on tightly to Him and never let Him go.
Ponder and meditate on this:
How can I be more effective in my role as a high priest?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The Discovery
How many of you have discovered that there are hidden treasures in you? God has placed His stamp of approval on you. His very nature is in you.
To discover what God has in store for your life, you must go on an adventure. You must search for the reason God created you to be who you are. He was very specific in your ‘design’ – He did not miss a detail for your life.
On your adventure, you will probably discover many things that you have been saying to the Lord about yourself that are not true. Many of you have been repeating what you have heard others say about you, but what they have said is not a true reflection of how God sees you and of who you are.
Some of us have said critical things about ourselves, but this is not how God sees us. We think we are not tall enough, short enough, small enough, and intelligent enough, this list can go on and on – you get the picture.
God is telling you that you are exactly how He designed you to be and you have everything you need in you to fulfill your destiny. When you tell Him the things you don’t like about yourself, what you are saying to Him is that He made a mistake in your ‘design’. Imagine telling the King of the universe that He made a mistake, when He designed you!
You are not a surprise to God, and you are definitely not a disappointment. He loves you just as you are, and He welcomes you into His presence at all times. Begin to see yourself differently and then rewrite your ‘self’ script.
Allow God to develop all the gifts and talents He placed in you.
Ponder and meditate on this:
What negative things have I been saying about myself?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
You Are Special!
Scientists say there are millions of sperm cells that approach the female egg in order for a child to be born. Consider this -- out of those millions, you were the one who made it -- you were the one specifically hand-selected by God to be born. You are amazingly special to God!
The scripture says that God numbered the hairs on your head. How many of you know the number of strands of hair that are on your head? God knows each and everyone of them. He takes delight in you.
God handcrafted you. You do not look like anyone else, talk like anyone else, or have the same personality or make up as any one else. Your handprint, footprint, voiceprint are unlike any one else’s -- they are uniquely yours. You are exceptional to God, and you are exclusively designed for Him.
The God of heaven knows how truly special you are and He did not make a carbon copy or replica of you. Even twins have different personalities and traits.
To say you are special does not cover the amazing work of art that you are. Celebrate who you are and know that there is no one else like you on planet earth.
Ponder and meditate on these:
How does God see me?
How special am I to God?
Monday, March 23, 2009
An Heir
Romans 8:17a – Now if we are children, then we are heirs – heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.
We are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ. This means that whatever God has given to Jesus is also ours. We have joint ownership with Him.
The good news is that we do not have to wait to inherit the promises of God for our lives. There are thousands of promises in the Word, and we can claim them all as an heir of God.
As joint-heirs with Jesus, we can claim our inheritances NOW. Since Jesus has already died, we do not have to wait for those inheritances. When we receive an inheritance from our earthly parents, the inheritance does not change hands until they die. As sons (and daughters) of God, we have access to all the blessings God has provided for us here on earth because of the death of His Son.
Heirs …
- are beneficiaries to a kingdom – Jesus prepared it for us
- have the same blessings as Jesus
- have a legacy in God
- are able to legally claim their inheritance
We have the counsel of the Godhead because we are heirs of God, and this divine support and guidance helps us, as we pursue our destiny.
Nothing is impossible for God’s heirs because His provisions and blessings are available for all of His children to enjoy.
Ponder and meditate on this:
How can I embrace and believe that I own the things that Jesus owns?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
A Worshipper
Psalm 95:6 - Come let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our maker.
To be a worshiper is the key to how much you will experience God, discover who you are and fulfill the great destiny He has for यू. Worshiping God is the key to the depth of your experience with God – this is the place where you discover who God created “YOU” to be.
You and I should worship God because He is absolutely deserving and worthy of our worship. After Adam and Eve sinned and gave up their authority to the enemy, God, in His mercy and grace, redeemed us from living eternity in pain, grief, and suffering.
We should have suffered for our sins; but we were released from its penalty because of Jesus’ victory over death, hell, and the grave.
We worship God because Jesus is continuously interceding for us. He is concerned about the situations that we are in, the things that are painful for us to bear, and for the conditions of our lives. He is always praying for us and seeking God’s mercies on our behalf.
We worship God because:
- He loves us
- We love Him
- He is the One and ONLY God
- We have surrendered our lives to Him
- We respect Him
- We adore Him
- We reverence Him
- We honor Him
You will find that, as you develop your personal relationship with God, there are many other reasons that will cause you to bow your knees in total admiration of who He is in your life and for all He does and will do for you.
He is God and is completely worthy of our worship.
Ponder and meditate on this:
How can I surrender my all in worship to God?
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
The Image Of The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the powerful presence of God who lives in us. The moment we asked Jesus to come into our hearts, the Holy Spirit came to dwell in us. Our heart is the place where the Holy Spirit resides.
The Holy Spirit is the power of God that reigns on earth and helps us navigate through the difficulties of life. He helps us in the midst of life’s trials, and the Bible says that the Holy Spirit is our:
- Comforter
- Helper
- Advocate (Lawyer)
- Friend
- He leads and guides us into all truth
- He convicts when we are wrong
The Holy Spirit brings stability to our lives and sustains us, when we are burdened with the cares of the world. His presence carries us through, when burdens become overwhelming; and we are then able to pursue God’s path for our lives.
In the midst of difficult situations, He comforts us, helps us, fights for us, and supports us. He also guides us with the truth of God’s Word and convicts us, when we sin and miss the mark. He is always working for our good.
Just as Jesus honors the Father and does only what He says, the Holy Spirit honors the Son and does only what Jesus tells Him to do. Therefore, since the Holy Spirit governs our lives, we must also do only what He instructs us to do. This will bring us into a deeper relationship with the Godhead and ensures that we succeed in the assignments for our lives.
Ponder and meditate on this:
How can I honor the Holy Spirit with my life?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The Image of Jesus
Jesus was in the very beginning with the Father. When God said let us make man in our image, He was referring to Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Himself. I call this the ultimate board meeting.
God sent Jesus to give His life for us. As a result, we are free from the grip of sin. Jesus is the giver of life but also of many blessings and gifts that the Father has reserved for His children. He freely gave of Himself to teach us how to give of ourselves to others.
To be in the image of Jesus means we reflect Him beautifully to the world. When the people of the world see us, they should see a people filled with:
- Joy
- Peace
- Hope
- Love
- Compassion
- Forgiveness
All of these attributes are a reflection of the character of Jesus. He exemplified all of these characteristics; and He demonstrates to us a clear example of how we also can live out these attributes in our lives.
The scripture says that the ‘Word’ – Jesus -- was in the beginning with God. It further states that the Word was God. It is clear that Jesus and the Father are one even though they have different administration and functions. They act as one, they work in unity with each other, and they take care of the needs of those who belong to them with the help of the Holy Spirit.
While He was on earth, Jesus did not act on His own - He only did what the Father instructed Him to do. We must also do only what the Father instructs us to do. When we obey Him, we show Him that we are exactly like His Son; and we desire to please Him.
Ponder and meditate on this:
How can I be a true reflection of Jesus?
Monday, March 16, 2009
The Image of God
In our last devotion, we talked about how we are created in the image of God. We look like Him, and we are stamped with His nature. We were all created to be a reflection of God to the world. When people see us, they should see God clearly and brilliantly in our lives.
The scripture tells us that God is a Spirit -- this means He does not have a human form. He is invisible to the natural eye, but He is more powerful than our natural form.
We are created in His exact image even though we have a body. The Spirit of God resides in us. We also have an invisible person, our spirit, which was created exactly like God. This person is the real ‘you’ who lives in a physical body. Our spirit man, as he/she is often called, governs our lives, our decisions, and guides us with wisdom.
When we die, we will leave this earthen, natural body. We will exist with God as the spirit being we were created to be before God placed us in our mother’s womb.
The book of Jeremiah tells us that ‘before God placed us in the womb, He knew us’. That means that God had intimate knowledge of each one of us. He knew our spirit! He took our spirit and placed it in our bodies so we could fulfill His plans on earth.
Because we are a spirit, just like God, we are invited to worship Him in spirit and in truth. This means we do not limit our worship of God to our natural understanding. We must give ourselves over to totally worship Him with our hearts, minds, wills, emotions, and bodies. To worship Him in truth means we honestly and sincerely bow down before Him, and we make ourselves an offering to the King.
God invites you into whole-hearted worship so you can experience Him at a deeper and more intimate level.
Ponder and mediate on this:
How can I worship God in spirit and truth?
Friday, March 13, 2009
Times of Testing
Many of us have wondered during seasons of testing if God is really with us. This scripture promises that God will never leave us or forsake us. He is an ever-present help in times of trouble.
Jesus told us that in this life we will have tribulation (trials, troubles, and difficulties), but to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world. Trouble comes to all of us not always because of something we have done wrong, but because sin is in the world and sin affects us all. But Jesus! He gives us a promise that even when we are troubled we can be cheerful and have joy and peace. This is possible because He is with us in the middle of our troubles.
When the three Hebrew boys (Shadrack, Meshach, and Abednego) were thrown into the deadly fiery furnace, the Lord was waiting for them. They did not go through their difficulty alone.
Life may seem as if you are on a never-ending cycle of trouble and difficulty; but even in the midst of them, God is right there with you. He will never leave you to face trials by yourself. The word ‘never’ means ‘at no time’ will He ever leave you. Everyone may walk away from you, when you face trouble; but God is a constant help, a constant support and a constant presence in your life. He is your place of safety no matter what you are facing.
Rest in His promises today!
He is available for you always!
Ponder and meditate on this:
How can I rest in and trust God in times of trouble?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A Rest Of Faith
Rest!!! Do you long to experience total rest for you mind, emotions and heart? God desires to give you the same rest that He so lovingly provided to the Israelites. He has seen your struggles and how burdened you have become with the trials of life.
He bids you to come to Him to find strength when you are weary, hope when you feel burdened, and rest so that you can live in health and prosper in all areas of your life.
God wants to take the heavy yoke that you are carrying, which is too burdensome, and replace it with His rest.
A burden is like a backpack that children take to school. It is manageable and easy for them to transport. Many of our burdens are bearable, but we can go to God and cast them on Him and let Him handle them.
A yoke, however, is far weightier. In previous centuries they would yoke an old and younger donkey together so they could pull the yoke together. The older donkey was training the younger one how to manage his yoke.
God wants to yoke-up with you so that you will no longer be burdened with a heavy load. He desires to give you peace where you are experiencing none, to give you hope where you feel hopeless, and to provide you with help so that in your daily life you can experience His amazing rest of faith.
In the midst of every struggle, difficulty or trial, rest in Him. He will draw you close to Him and handle your cares Himself.
Ponder and meditate on this:
How can I truly experience God’s rest of faith?
Monday, March 9, 2009
Rest For The Chosen
It appears as if God was denying rest to His people in this scripture, but that is not the case. God was trying to give the Israelites, His chosen people, rest from all their laboring and striving but they simply would not receive it.
They were accomplishing nothing of value for God and themselves because they depended on their own strength and power. Coming out of Egyptian bondage, being slaves for years, they could not conceive that it was possible to enjoy life without the daily struggles they had endured.
God desired to give them “true rest.” This rest is one He had so lovingly provided for them so they would not have to work and toil. He provided their daily food, their clothes did not wear out, and He protected them day and night; but they could not fully receive all His provisions.
In anger, God declared that they would never enter His rest. It was the Father’s frustration because they were not able to receive the provisions that were available to them. Although God was angry, He still loved the Israelites and had tremendous compassion for them.
God wants to give you the same degree of rest. He knows the hardships you have faced and are facing; and He invites you, just as He did the Israelites, to come and enter into His rest. This rest is a place where you can trust Him with your health, your finances, your family, and all the secret longings of your soul.
He is extremely faithful and because you are His, He wants you to trust Him to bring about His best results in your life. Are you willing to rest in Him today?
Ponder and meditate on this:
How can I completely embrace the rest of God in my life?
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Chosen By A Dream
God still speaks to us in dreams, as He did with Joseph centuries ago. God gave Joseph a vision of his life’s purpose and destiny in a dream. Although Joseph did not fully understand the dream, he knew God was speaking to him; and he embraced what he heard.
In his excitement, Joseph shared his dream with his brothers; and it caused him much trouble and heartache. They tried to kill him but sold him into slavery instead.
While in Egypt, Joseph was a slave in his master’s house; and God used these difficult times of his life to develop character in him. This process caused him to lead with integrity. God used the suffering he experienced to develop compassion not only for his brothers but also for the people he was assigned to serve.
God uses dreams. He plants dreams in the hearts of His children; and He invites us to embrace them, to believe them, and to guard them. Like Joseph, God will allow us to experience difficulties that He uses to prepare and equip us to fulfill His dreams for our lives.
I encourage you to prepare your hearts to hear, receive, and obey when God clearly speaks to you.
Ponder and meditate on this:
What dream has God given me to fulfill?
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Chosen To Follow God
God chose Abraham to follow Him into a fulfilling destiny. God uprooted Abraham from his familiar surroundings and removed him from his family and friends to train him for his destiny. Abraham’s destiny required total dependence on God for its fulfillment. Although this move was difficult, Abraham believed he heard the voice of God and moved out in faith.
Believe, when you hear the voice of God, and move out in faith. Hearing God’s voice is the key to your step of faith. No one can accurately tell you what God is saying about your destiny – only the all-knowing God can reveal this. Others may confirm that God is speaking to you, but you must hear Him for yourself and act on His leading
God has chosen you to follow Him and His path for your life. When you understand that your steps are ordered of God, you will have the courage to step out in faith to fulfill all that He has in store for you.
God orders your steps – you have to make a step toward your destiny so God can align you on the path that will lead you to a life of fullness and a life overflowing with His abundant blessings.
Choose to closely follow God, and watch how He will amaze you and others with His perfect plan for your life.
Ponder and mediate on this:
How do I leave all and totally follow God?
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Chosen by Love
Love!!! The word brings to mind many emotions. Many of us have experienced its joys, sorrows, and pains; but the love we will focus on today is the love that fills us with joy, hope, peace and rest.
God so loved…. God’s love is agape love. Agape loves is:
- Steadfast
- Unfailing
- Unchanging
- A love that is constant
God’s love for man is steadfast, unfailing, unchanging and constant. Because His love is so great toward man, He allowed Jesus to suffer a horrible death so we could experience His amazing, undeserved love in our lives.
Because of His great love, it is clear that, when we love, the fruit of love is giving. Love causes us to give of our time, efforts, resources, and ourselves. The love the Father has for His children is a love that is timeless -- a love that keeps on giving even when we mess up and miss the mark. His love never stops giving to us. It is in constant pursuit of us.
God so loved (you – add your name) that He gave His one and only Son just for you; and, if you were the only person on planet earth, He would have still given His one and only Son’s life for yours.
What great love the Father has for you!!
Ponder and meditate on this:
How deep and how wide is God’s love for you (add your name)?
Monday, March 2, 2009
Chosen By Adoption
You and I have been adopted into the family of God. Our adoption came because Jesus was willing to be born and then adopted into Joseph’s earthly family for our redemption.
Before time began, God predestined us to be adopted as His sons and daughters. He did it because it brought Him pleasure to have us in His family once again.
The sins of our forefather, Adam, caused separation between God and man; but the death of Jesus brought us back into right relationship and fellowship with Him.
Adoption speaks of a love so deep that a person would willingly choose to take on total responsibility of another person’s life and welfare. God chose to allow Jesus to suffer in our place so that through His suffering we could be in close fellowship and relationship with Him once again.
God so loved us that no price was too steep for Him to pay in exchange for us. Adoption in previous centuries was an amazing gift to the adoptee, and it still is today. In previous centuries, an adopted child could NEVER be disinherited!
You can never be disinherited!!! You belong to God always and forever. No one, no circumstance, no situation, and no hardship will be able to separate you from God. That should bring great peace and assurance to your heart.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
I am adopted, and I am a member of God’s family.
Do I truly understand that I belong to God?