Monday, August 24, 2009

The Gift of the Working of Miracles

1 Corinthians 12:10a – To another the working of miracles…..

The gift of the working of miracles is not natural miracles, but supernatural miracles where God intervenes in a natural event in the ordinary course of nature. (Moses splitting the Red Sea)

The gift of the working of miracles is something that is supernatural and happens on a natural plane.

The gift of the working of miracles is an intervention in the force of nature.

The working of miracles includes miraculous provisions like the widow women with the cruse of oil; the feeding of the 5,000 with the multiplication of the fish and the loaves.

Sometimes the gift of the working miracles carries out divine judgment such as the blindness in Sodom and Gomorrah because of sin.

It is sometimes used to deliver someone in an unavoidable situation of danger. (Jesus stilled the storm.)

The working of miracles displays God’s power and magnificence.

In the Greek, the gift of the working of the miracles means, “the working of powers, the working of impelling, staggering wonders or astonishments; or the out workings of explosions of Almightiness!”

Do you desire the gift of the working of miracles?

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