Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Galatians 6: 9 - And let us not be weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

The weapon of delay can bring discouragement to all of us. It appears as if you are always waiting on something. Often you are waiting on God’s timing or waiting on help from family and friends or even for the right doors to open for you.

In this waiting process, you often feel as if these delays will hamper your progress; but delays are not always denials, and you must learn to stand firm in the waiting season. When you encounter delays, you tend to be less motivated about exploring other options because you are wondering whether it is worth it.

Delays keep you believing it was not meant to be, and that nothing good ever happens to you, so why spend the energy trying? The ploy of delay is to keep you living a mediocre existence and to be content with only a limited supply. Delay will keep you from believing that all things are possible with God.

You must shake off this weight by pressing into God more and more. Spend time thanking Him for your blessings, which are on the way. Praise Him when you do not yet see the answers! If He has not said “No,” then rest assured the answer is definitely on the way. You will get the breakthrough you need as you learn that perseverance is necessary to get from God what He has in store for you.

Please ponder and meditate on this:

In what areas are you experiencing delays?

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