Friday, July 31, 2009
Faith Filled People Are Followers
To follow means to imitate:
We must study the deeds, acts, words, and actions of the leader we wish to emulate.
We must become good actors that look like God by:
Studying His attributes.
Knowing His character.
And being willing to live out this life of faith.
If you desire to walk in faith find someone who successfully walk in faith:
Watch what they say.
Watch what they do.
How do they act?
Begin to act like them.
Faith believes despite what the natural facts and what others say.
Faith perseveres and endures, it pushes through life’s difficulties and adversities.
Faith fights. It is a fight of faith. It does not give up on the promises of God.
Faith acts. Whatever you believe for you must move in the direction of your belief.
Acting and imitation is foundational to the Christian life.
Who are you acting like?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Faith Filled People Are Not Slothful
Proverb 12:24 - The hand of the diligent shall bear rule; but the slothful shall be under tribute.
Proverb 15:19 – The way of the slothful man is as a hedge of thorns; but the way of the righteous is made plain.
Slothfulness and laziness are not one and the same.
To be slothful means to be dull, monotonous, unexciting, slow, and sluggish.
This is a person who has loss their speed or momentum.
Many of us have become slothful in our relationship with God and in our faith walk.
We are disinterested and disengaged.
We are in the middle of the road in our faith walk.
We have a take it or leave it mentality.
Slothfulness does not have anything to do with the amount of energy we expend on being a hard worker.
It speaks of our heart condition.
Even though we may look busy on the outside, we are stuck.
We are neutral in our relationship with the Lord (some of our attitudes are – (“Oh well at least I am saved and guaranteed a spot in Heaven”)
We are neutral in our faith.
We have lost our red-hot fire and passion for God (remember when you first got saved?)
Our relationship is the same old, same old….
We are no longer enthusiastic and excited.
Are you being slothful in your relationship with God?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Key Elements To Our Faith
Faith has a voice:
It is distinct and unique.
It is no other voice but yours.
Your faith is voice activated and only you can activate it.
Scientists tells us that our voice print is just as accurate in determining an individual identity as their finger print.
Your voice has a different sound to God, different from all other 5+ billion people.
God recognizes your voice when you call out to Him and He speaks His word over your own situation.
Faith requires diligence for us to succeed (Hebrews 11:6):
Our attitude in our faith walk determines our successes.
To be diligent in our faith means:
To be zealous.
We are seeking after something with all of our hearts, souls, mind and strength.
We believe, apply and act on what we hear.
We cannot be lazy, casual and laid back about our faith or our destination.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Why Is Faith Necessary For The Believer?
We cannot obtain anything from God without faith.
Faith pleases God. In fact, it is impossible to please Him without it.
Faith produces results and blessings in our lives.
Faith moves God.
Faith moves mountains in our lives.
Faith is the substance, the thing that will get us to our desired destination.
Without faith we merely exist from day-to-day. Faith gives meaning to our existence.
Faith speaks to us in our difficulties and reminds us that with God all things are possible.
Faith gives us reasons to hope.
Faith is something tangible that we can hold on to in the storms of life.
Faith causes us to stand firm, to be sure footed, and to fight for the best outcome in our lives.
Why is living by faith a necessity for your life?
Monday, July 27, 2009
Bible Faith
Bible Faith consists of these things:
Faith is substance, that which we are hoping to see in the natural.
It is the assurance, the confirmation, the title deed of what we believe for.
It is to have expectation of the right outcome.
It is trusting when you have not yet received the promise.
It is confidence and hope in God.
It is reliance on God.
Faith is the currency of Heaven.
It is to believe without doubting.
Faith means to act, to act like what you believe for has already happened. To act like you already have the promises. It is turning your dreams into deeds. It is betting your life on that which cannot yet been seen.
Faith believes in the impossible because you understand that though it may be impossible with man, it is entirely possible with God.
Where are you in your faith walk?
Friday, July 24, 2009
Rahab’s Example
Rahab walked in faith and her life was transformed as a result of her walk. God gave her an abundance of blessings, provision, love and forgiveness. He used her because she was willing to let go of the things in her life that were producing no results.
As you ponder on the awesomeness of God, consider that if God could use a prostitute to fulfill such greatness to bring glory to Himself, and He is no respecter of persons, then He will do the same for you.
All you are required to do is to make a life-changing decision and say, “Yes” to Him. He will also take the broken pieces of your life, give you a new dream and vision, and then use you to fulfill the greatest destiny He planned for your life.
He will use you without fail if you will dare to dream big. Like Abraham, Joseph, Rahab, and many other well-known men and women of our time, if you will embrace God’s promises, stand on His Word, and never give up, you will accomplish all that you were called, chosen, and destined to do.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
What example are you leaving for others to follow?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Rahab’s Blessings
Now get a hold of this picture. The prostitute Rahab and her family were taken into the Israeli camp to live among the people. Can you imagine how the prostitute was dressed and what she looked like among those holy virgin women?
God in His infinite grace, mercy, and love had compassion on this prostitute who was willing to be used by Him. Even though she had lived in prostitution, when she encountered God, she allowed God to use the brokenness of her life to bring deliverance to His people.
God took her into the Israeli camp, and Salmon, one of the spies who were sent into Jericho, bypassed all the other women in his tribe and married Rahab. One of Joshua’s top leaders married the prostitute because it was in God’s divine plan.
If that was all God did for Rahab that alone would have been a blessing in her life. God, however, did not stop there in His destiny for her. Rahab and Salmon had children and in Matthew 1, we find Rahab in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. God did not conclude Rahab’s story there.
In Hebrews 11, you see that Rahab was the only other woman besides Sarah, Abraham’s wife, who was listed in the famous hall of faith. God took a prostitute who probably had no dream or vision for her life and used the broken pieces not only to deliver His people but to deliver her as well. He forgave, cleansed, and put her on a new path to a destiny she never imagined or dared to dream. He did not waste a single thing that happened in her life. He took all of the brokenness, used it for His glory, and then gave her a testimony, which has been told for centuries, just because she was willing to yield to Him. He worked all things together for her good and transformed her life.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
How will you experience the abundant blessings of God?
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Rahab, a prostitute, made a decision that was to change the course of her life and her destiny. I have come to the conclusion that she was one of the wisest women in the Bible. She saw an opportunity and grabbed hold of it with both hands.
As seen in the above passage, she hid the two spies and kept them from being captured and killed. Once the danger passed, she helped them to escape from one of the windows in her house, using a scarlet rope.
Here is why I think she was smart. Before she released them, she extracted a promise from them that when they came in to take over the city, they would save her and her family. They promised her that if all of her family members were in the house with her when they came through and the scarlet cord was hanging from the same window through, which she had let them down, her household would be saved. Here entire family was saved because she followed the spies’ instructions.
Please ponder and meditate on this?
What are you willing to do for God?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
A Life-Changing Decision
You have all been given the opportunity to make a life-changing decision at one time or another. This decision has altered the course of your destiny.
When God called you to dream big and filled your heart with visions of what you could become, you had the opportunity at that moment to make a life-changing decision. For every dream God has given you, realize that the dream was given to fulfill a purpose in Him. You have been given dreams to meet the needs of others, to bring hope to the hopeless, and to feed the hungry. Your dream will provide shelter for the homeless and clothing to the naked.
God has called you to dream big so you can be His hands and feet to a world that is in need of Him. As you begin to embrace your dreams and look for the possibilities in them, you must have a willingness to put your all on the line to accomplish them. You will not always know what the outcome might be, but you must trust that God will be with you every step of the way.
Faith, courage, and hope are key ingredients to your dream-fulfillment. There will be giants along the way that will challenge your faith, hope, and courage, but you have power to look them in the eye and still make the decision that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
Do not allow limitations in your dreams and your thinking, but be willing to bend and sway with the changes that may come. Sometimes changes come to allow you to see a different set of opportunities. You will discover that if you are willing to dream and can believe God in the process, then nothing will be impossible to you.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
What life-changing decision must you make for your destiny?
Monday, July 20, 2009
Despair is a reality for many people. You suffer despair when you have endured great losses. Despair comes in many forms; and, when you encounter it, you are often unaware of what is going on around you so you merely exist in a fog. Often you are so lost in despair that you are unconcerned about life and what it still has to offer you.
Despair brings a feeling of hopelessness, which can feel unbreakable at times. The enemy’s ploy is to keep you so devastated that you cannot run the race that has been set before you. Despair does not have to be a stronghold in your life because you have the power of God on your side to overcome it and to keep it from taking up residence in your life.
Each day you must make a decision to fight the spirit of despair and to pull it down. Remember to take every thought captive and bring it under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. Take captive the thoughts of despair by submitting them to God who will bring healing and wholeness back to your life.
All of these obstacles have been sent to derail you and to keep you from fulfilling your destiny. These things are dream-killers, and if you allow them to take root in your heart, they will choke the life out of your dream. The Bible declares that the Greater One lives in you. You have the power to overcome because of the Blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony (Rev. 12:11). The blood of Jesus purchased your victory at Calvary.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Disappointments come to us in many forms. You might be disappointed because your life is not the way you planned it. Nothing seems to go your way. You keep trying and trying without success, and you just want to yell at the top of your lungs, “Let me off this spinning wheel, this is not what I signed up for.”
When you are disappointed, you feel sorry for yourself and have some of the greatest pity parties. Poor me, no one cares, nothing I do works! In the midst of your “poor me” syndrome, you cannot feel the encouragement of the Holy Spirit telling you to shake it off and encouraging you to look for the good in all situations. Disappointments cloud your view, and you cannot get a clear picture of where you are or where you are going.
The key to letting go of disappointments is to believe that your steps are ordered of the Lord and that He is leading you to the fulfillment of your dreams.
I traveled a lot in a previous job, and many times prior to take off it would be stormy and cloudy on the ground. The moment we rose above the clouds, to our surprise, many times the sun would be shining. God has used this illustration in my life to remind me that the situation is never hopeless, but that I must get a Kingdom perspective on it. My perspective was too limited; therefore, I was limited by it.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
What keeps me living with disappointments?
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The weapon of delay can bring discouragement to all of us. It appears as if you are always waiting on something. Often you are waiting on God’s timing or waiting on help from family and friends or even for the right doors to open for you.
In this waiting process, you often feel as if these delays will hamper your progress; but delays are not always denials, and you must learn to stand firm in the waiting season. When you encounter delays, you tend to be less motivated about exploring other options because you are wondering whether it is worth it.
Delays keep you believing it was not meant to be, and that nothing good ever happens to you, so why spend the energy trying? The ploy of delay is to keep you living a mediocre existence and to be content with only a limited supply. Delay will keep you from believing that all things are possible with God.
You must shake off this weight by pressing into God more and more. Spend time thanking Him for your blessings, which are on the way. Praise Him when you do not yet see the answers! If He has not said “No,” then rest assured the answer is definitely on the way. You will get the breakthrough you need as you learn that perseverance is necessary to get from God what He has in store for you.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
In what areas are you experiencing delays?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
It is amazing to me that the very moment you decide to get serious about your destiny is the moment when difficulties begin to manifest in your life. You will run into obstacles and situations with your family and friends that call for your immediate attention.
The enemy uses distractions to keep you disorientated and unfocused. Distractions break your focus and keep you off center. You are then unable to settle in and begin working on the things that are necessary to bring about your destiny.
Distractions are a ploy of the enemy to keep you unproductive and in the same cycle day in and day out. You must learn to recognize his attacks and be prepared to counterattack when necessary. The key to not being caught off guard is to be prayed up and prepared so, as he attempts to distract and dissuade you, you are one step ahead of his ploy.
Learn to stay focused when distractions come your way by keeping your eyes fixed on Jesus and continuing to follow the instructions He has given to you. If you focus on Him, you will be able to see the solutions you are looking for quickly and clearly.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
What is distracting you from your goal?
Monday, July 13, 2009
Obstacles to Your Dreams
You will face some challenges and obstacles from time to time on your way to the fulfillment of your dream. When you face these challenges, you must make the decision to persevere.
Perseverance will be the key that unlocks the door and gives you entry. As you approach your dreams, you may be challenged by lack. Often you may lack the resources you need to begin the process. You may also find that you do not have the necessary help in the beginning phase. Some of you will discover that you may not have the necessary skills or knowledge about where to start. Others’ dreams may seem hopeless at first, especially when there are adverse circumstances surrounding them.
You will face some time alone and some loneliness in the process of preparing the groundwork for your dreams. Sometimes when you get to your dreams, it may appear that they are occupied, as was the case with the children of Israel. When they arrived at their Promised Land, giants, unholy, and ungodly people were occupying it; and they knew that it would require a sacrifice and a fight to take occupancy. They had to prepare for outright war in order to take the land.
Many of them were fainthearted not remembering that God was on their side and that He would bring ultimate victory. God is on your side and will bring you ultimate victory, so do not let fear hinder your progress.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
What obstacles have been hindering me?
Friday, July 10, 2009
The Price to Dream Big
There is a price tag for dreaming big!
As you begin to dream, you are often unaware that you will pay a price to accomplish your dreams. I have discovered that many people spend countless hours in the preparation process. Some sacrifice and work tirelessly to accomplish their dreams; still others have to lay down their life for what they believe.
There is always a sacrifice for dreaming big and accomplishing those dreams. The price may look steep as you begin, but the rewards are worth the sacrifice.
The key to success in the dreaming process is to plant seeds into another person’s dream while yours is developing. Sow your time into others and help them to overcome the struggles they face while working on their dreams. When you plant seeds into another person’s dream and vision, you will reap a harvest in your life when you need it the most.
As you begin walking toward your dream, there will be a time of planting, seedtime, and harvest. God plants the idea into your heart, you allow the idea to take root and germinate, and then you begin to seed into the idea by planning and preparing to accomplish it. After the planting there will eventually come a harvest if you do not neglect the seed.
You must continue to water it, even during the dry seasons when it appears lifeless. Beneath the surface of your dreams, growth and life are taking place even though you cannot see them with the naked eye.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
How much are you willing to sacrifice to attain your dream?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Discovering Your Dream
All of you have been given a dream by God. If you are alive, then you have been given a dream to fulfill.
I have often heard it said that the richest place on earth is the graveyard because many people died without accomplishing the dreams that God placed in their hearts. God not only gave you dreams, but He has planned a time frame for their fulfillment.
If you are thinking right now, I don’t have a dream, think again. God did not forget a single one of you as He planted and distributed dreams. You were handpicked and selected to fulfill something in His Kingdom, whether small or great. Something has been stirring in your soul that will not let go of you. Try as you may to bury it, it keeps rising to the surface. This desire to do something is the desire to complete the dream assignment that God so carefully planted in your heart.
Many of you have tried to suppress this desire, and you often think you were successful, just to realize later it was only buried for a season. There are others who have used excuses because you believe you are not talented or gifted enough to succeed. You have a hard time believing the things God is speaking to your heart. God is not looking at your talents or gifts because He plans to do the accomplishing in you.
If you will surrender to Him and to the dream, He reveals to you, the dream will indeed come to pass without delay.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Dare to Dream Big
God wants you to dream and to dream big!
While God was forming you, and before He placed you in the womb, He made deposits of His dream for your life into your heart. The dream is His plan for your destiny. These dreams are the purpose for which you were born. God poured visions and dreams into your heart so you could live a life filled with purpose.
Dreams are a picture of the life you can have. They are fantasies of what you can become. Many of you have sat for hours watching movies you enjoy. These movies bring to life what is in someone’s imagination. They take the vision from their imagination and bring it to life with crystal clarity.
God has given you a great imagination so you can create pictures or movies of the great life He has planned for you. Your imagination helps you to dream about the future and what you hope to accomplish. The visions you see in your imagination are the outpouring of God’s Spirit, which will catapult you into your divine destiny.
You must begin to envision the great life and destiny God has mapped out for you so that you can begin the necessary preparation to attain it.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
How have I been productively or unproductively using my imagination?
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Financial Wealth
Job 36:11 (NIV) - If they obey and serve Him, they will spend the rest of their days in prosperity and their years in contentment.
The above scriptures and many others throughout the Bible make it abundantly clear that God wants you to have wealth and financial blessings. In order for you to leave an inheritance to your grandchildren, you must have a financial portfolio.
God fully intends for you to be blessed financially, to be a blessing to your family, and to have enough left over to give to those in need. He goes on to tell you that the wealth of sinners is laid up and set aside for you who are just.
When you obey and serve Him, your days will be filled with rest, prosperity, and contentment and He will bring you to your wealthy place. He gives seed to the sower so you can sow into the lives of people who are experiencing financial difficulties. He said, “He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for what he has done” (Prov. 19:17).
You must have something to give to the poor in order that they might be sustained. If you do not understand that God desires to bless you with financial wealth, then you are missing out on one of the great promises of the Bible. When you plant seeds into the life of others, you experience the fullness of the rewards and blessings that have been reserved with your name on them.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
How willing am I to give to those in need?
Monday, July 6, 2009
Spiritual Wealth
Spiritual wealth is the level of intimacy you have with the Lord, which also brings about soul prosperity. When you spend time cultivating a relationship with Him, He enriches your life with His many provisions.
Spiritual wealth is unlimited to those who desire to have it. The more you pursue God, the more He will fill you to overflowing with a wealth of wisdom, knowledge, and grace. Each day, as you walk into His Presence, will be a day you are bestowed with new mercies. You will never truly spend time with God and come away dry or empty-handed. It is impossible.
God welcomes you with open arms and lots of joy when you seek after Him. The spiritual wealth you receive as part of your reward and blessing will flood your life with hope, courage, and faith to reach out and grab hold of the goodness of our God.
As God rewards you by filling you with Himself, you will begin to look like Him, walk like Him and talk like Him. When people see you, they will see a reflection of His glory and majesty. This reflection will draw them to you so you can direct them to the Light.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
Are you living a life crowned with spiritual wealth?
Friday, July 3, 2009
The Reward of Peace
Without peace, you will not be able to enjoy the rewards and blessings you receive from God. It takes the peace of God to keep your mind stable and your heart open to receive.
A lack of His peace produces anxiety and fear in your heart and mind. These things rob you of the enjoyment of your blessings. When your heart and mind are crowded with cares, it keeps you from finding true rest and hope in a loving and caring God.
It is His desire to give you the Kingdom, and in doing so, He wants you to enjoy all the benefits that come with Kingdom living. In His Kingdom, He fills your heart with His perfect peace, and you find rest for your soul under the shelter of His protection.
As you find peace, you live in divine health and prosper in whatever you put your hands to. To ensure you receive and enjoy your rewards, God has provided for your physical health and wealth. Your health starts first with the peace that guards your heart and mind through Christ Jesus. If your mind is healthy and whole, your body will follow suit.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
Are you enjoying a life of peace?
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Living in the Rewards and Blessings of Your Destiny
It will take faith to get to your destiny just as it did for Abraham and Joseph to walk into the fulfillment of their destinies and enjoy what God had reserved for them.
When God finally walked them to their destination, it was beyond anything they could image or dream. They were blessed with abundance in their family life, in their spiritual walk, and in their finances. They were spiritually wealthy because they learned total dependence on God. God made their names great throughout the land. They had prominence, they were influential leaders, and they are still highly regarded even today.
Joseph never experienced that degree of loss or lack in his life again. Abraham, through his son Isaac, had children as numerous as the sand on the seashore and the stars in the sky, just as God promised.
Abraham became the father of nations and of our faith. Even, his son, Ishmael, who was not the promised heir, prospered and became extremely wealthy just because he was Abraham’s seed.
Though the journey to their destiny was paved with difficulties, hardship, lack, and loneliness, they did not stop moving forward. They believed, they trusted, they waited, and then they walked into a promised land overflowing with all the goodness of God.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
What are your rewards in your destiny?
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Time in the Waiting Room
Have you ever spent time in a hospital waiting room? I have and it can be an unsettling and sometimes traumatic event. For many it is a time of worry, a time of praying, and a time of hoping for a good report.
During my Christian walk, I have discovered that we will spend much time in the waiting rooms of life. In these waiting rooms, God continues the process of making you into the image of His Son. Time spent in the waiting room fashions you to be of service in the Kingdom.
The waiting room is a place where God begins to do a deep work in you to prepare you for your destiny. It is a time of purging and cleansing to make you fit and useable by the Master. The waiting room causes your fleshly will and desires to be crucified so that you can embrace His will and desires. As you struggle and wait, you truly learn dependency on God. You learn to trust Him fully for everything by understanding that only He can give you a breakthrough.
Whatever is unnecessary in your life will be stripped away in the waiting room. God uses this time to trim excess fat and baggage from your life. This time is Throne time alone with God. This is a time when God purges, cleanses, and purifies you for further use in His kingdom.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
Are you currently waiting on God to move in your life?