Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Time Alone

1 Thessalonians 2:19 - 20 – For who is our hope, or joy, or crown of boasting in the presence of our Lord Jesus at His coming? Is it not you? For you are our glory and joy.

Each of you must have time alone to think and process the things that God is speaking to your spirit. This is time spent in the presence of God to ascertain what He has for you to do and to obtain a plan of action from Him.

In your “alone” time, you will pray, read the Word, and wait in the presence of God -- listening for His instructions. Each time you get before the Lord and petition Him, He will answer you.

You often miss hearing His answer because you do not wait long enough in His presence for Him to speak. You can become impatient, if He does not speak in the first two minutes, and walk away without an answer from Him. I have been guilty of this and then wondered why God has not spoken to me. It is not that He has not spoken. It is that you are too busy to be still and hear His voice.

The Bible tells you that the Holy Spirit speaks in a still, small voice. He will not yell over the ringing of the phone, the noise of the television, or even the roar of normal conversations. I have not experienced many times in my life when the Holy Spirit has yelled or shouted to get my attention. The few times He has done so were to give me a warning of impending danger.

When God speaks to your heart, you need time to ponder and reflect on what you have heard and to wait for further instructions. A key to your success as you spend time alone with God is to know that His anointing is on the instructions that you hear, receive, and obey.

Please ponder and meditate on this:

How often do I spend time alone with God?

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