Friday, May 29, 2009
The Perfect Will of God
In the perfect will of God you receive His instructions. Unlike Adam and Eve, you choose to do things His way -- you do not disobey Him but obey His commands.
You learn to listen, hear, and obey the instructions of the Holy Spirit, when He speaks to your heart. When you hear Him, you submit your will over to Him and do what He tells you to do. You accept that God is in full control, and you give way to whatever He wants to do.
In His perfect will for you, it is no longer you that lives, but Christ living through you (Gal. 2:20). In His will, you listen by engaging your mind, heart, ears, eyes, and your entire being on what God is saying and doing.
When you hear Him, you do exactly what you are told by following His instructions. You then obey what you hear by actively engaging yourself with God and allowing Him to become fully engaged with you, in you, and through you. To obey Him means that you follow His plan, do what He tells you to, and come to an understanding that He knows what is best for you. You blindly follow where He leads because you know He will never lead you down the wrong path for your life nor will He ever fail you.
In this preparation process, you will also learn that it is and always has been the plan of God to increase you and take you from glory to glory in Him. Therefore, choose to make God a daily part of your agenda by scheduling time to meet with Him face-to-face.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
Am I living in God’s perfect will for my life?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Our Preparation Process
There is a permissive will of God and a perfect will of God. Many Christians live in the permissive will of God but not in His perfect will for their lives. In His permissive will, God will allow you certain things you ask for even though it may not be in His best plan for your life. In this permissive will, you are given permission to make some of your own choices.
Often you obtain permission because you have nagged, begged, and pleaded with God so often that He simply turns it over to you -- to do as you will. Many of you make your choices in disobedience to what He has told you to do. He allows you the choice to use your own will and intellect to make your decision. He does so because He knows that each decision and each choice will provide a lesson in your life, often a painful lesson, which will help you in your growth and development.
Consider the story of Adam and Eve. God gave them permission to eat off every tree in the garden except one, but they disobeyed Him and ate from the very tree He told them not to.
God was neither asleep nor unaware, when they made their choice. He knew exactly where they were and what they were about to do, and He could have stopped them at anytime by overriding their will. Since He created them with a free will, this gave them the ability to choose, and they chose to disobey Him. This was not the perfect plan of God for them or for the human race, but He had to abide by their decision.
God will also abide by your decision though His desire is that you choose His will over yours.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
Am I operating in the permissive will or in the perfect will of God?
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Reasons for Preparation
Here Paul clearly states to Timothy what it means to serve the Lord. You serve the Lord when you serve others. In His service, you prepare yourself to be kind, gentle, and teachable as He instructs you to lead His people. If you are unprepared, you will fail when you encounter people who try your patience and are unwilling to be taught.
The preparation process enables you to stand when you face trials. It is clear in the above passage of scripture that time spent with God in preparation will empower you to take care of the needs of others.
In God’s preparation, you learn to put away the desire to be quarrelsome, when you are not getting your own way. In your daily service to God, you will encounter people whom you might feel are not reachable and are unapproachable. In these encounters, you must have gentleness, as you instruct them in the things of God. You must ask for God’s help and guidance so you can direct the people to Him. As you direct them to God, and they come to a place of repentance, God will reveal His love and truth to them.
You prepare so that you will be successful in the assignments that God gives to you. The preparation process stabilizes you so that you can build a strong and solid foundation on which you can establish something that is lasting.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
What keeps me from preparing?
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The Need for Preparation
During the early years of my life, my grandmother, Elizabeth, taught me about the need for preparation. She not only taught me how to prepare for life, but she taught me what was needed and necessary in the preparation process.
The first thing she revealed to me that required preparation was my need for a Savior in the form of Jesus Christ. From an early age she took me to church but did not push me to accept Christ. She regularly prayed and prepared the way for me to encounter Him.
When I gave my heart to the Lord, at the age of twelve, she was the first to share it with the family. I must say that many of my family members told me that I was too young, and it would not stick. I am here to tell you that I was not too young, and I have been saved for many years because my grandmother prepared me to encounter my Savior.
Each of you must prepare those you love to encounter the Savior no matter how young they are. God begins to work on the hearts of His children from an early age so they will not miss any time in their relationship with Him.
Each night my grandmother helped me prepare my attire for the next school day, and each morning she prepared breakfast and lunch for me. In all of this, my grandmother recognized and fulfilled a need in me. She equipped me with what I needed to ensure that I produced good work. You were born with a need to prepare for life, your future, and your destiny.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
Do you understand that preparation is a must for your destiny?
Friday, May 22, 2009
The Sacrifice
The preparation season of your life will also require a sacrifice. The things you would readily do may have to be rescheduled. You will miss out on some fun activities because God is drawing you nearer to His Presence for further instructions.
You will sometimes have to sacrifice relationships. Some of your current friendships will not have the right ingredient to last in the next level of your destiny. You will have to leave some relationships behind because not everyone will understand your sacrifice, as you prepare.
Some people will tell you that it does not require “all that” to do what God has called you to do. They will not understand your dedication to the process or your willingness to give your time to it.
Others will not be able to understand, agree, or even comprehend your destiny and the plans you have to attain it. In the back of their minds, there will always be the thought that they knew you “back then.” Since they have witnessed many of your mistakes and failures, they will not believe that God is speaking to you about the great destiny He has in store for you. If you are not careful, and do not have a willingness to let go of these relationships, you can become discouraged from pursuing God and His plans for you.
It truly requires a sacrifice to go all the way with God. It is called a living sacrifice.
Please ponder and meditate on this?
How willing are you to sacrifice what is necessary to fulfill your destiny?
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Living Sacrifice
To present a living sacrifice of our lives to God means that we willing give Him all that we are in exchange for all that He is. It also means that we can no longer gratify our flesh with what we say and do. We must subject our flesh to the guidance of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.
Our spirits were created to have control over our entire life. The flesh was not designed to rule us, but because of sin many of us are controlled by our fleshly desires.
In the preparation process, you learn how to subject your flesh to your spirit by doing what is necessary and required. Preparation causes you to suppress what you would normally do so you can accomplish what is set before you.
Each time you say “No” to the flesh and its desires, you are saying “Yes” to God and His will for you. As you sacrifice time on the phone, watching the television, and letting go of some unhealthy relationships so you can draw nearer to God, He will draw near to you and fill you with more of Himself.
There is a sacrifice for everything that is worth attaining and it requires dying to self. When we get self out of the way God then has clearance to work in us and though us as He desires to.
Make it your prayer that the Lord will teach you how to crucify your flesh so your spirit can rule and govern every single decision that you make.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
Am I willing to offer my life to God as a living sacrifice?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Study Time
Second Timothy tells you to study to show yourself approved unto God. You study to develop an intimate relationship with God. You study to know Him and to understand His will and His ways. You study so you can be an imitator of Him and live the life He has destined for you.
As you study, you gain knowledge and are able to share that knowledge with others. When you know what God would do in any situation, you are able to pattern yourself after Him and give hope to others.
It has been said that people do not often listen to what is being said, but they watch what you do and model that. In this preparation season, you must study to demonstrate for others what God is revealing to you.
When you fill your heart with the Word of God and fill your mind with thoughts of Him, you can effectively share what you have learned with those He puts in your path.
You do not study to boast about what you know but to get to know God in all of His glory. You carve out time to study because you want to spend time with God and give Him pleasure. It is pleasing to God when you daily set time aside to spend with Him.
He has given you His Word so that you can study to know His will and plan for your destiny. Each time you open the pages of His Word, you encounter Him in a new and fresh way.
The Bible is alive and powerful and every word was designed to bring hope and healing to the believer. As you read and apply the principles that are contained in the Word of God, you are guaranteed a life of blessings, fullness, and prosperity.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
Do I daily take time to study the Word of God?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Time Alone
1 Thessalonians 2:19 - 20 – For who is our hope, or joy, or crown of boasting in the presence of our Lord Jesus at His coming? Is it not you? For you are our glory and joy.
Each of you must have time alone to think and process the things that God is speaking to your spirit. This is time spent in the presence of God to ascertain what He has for you to do and to obtain a plan of action from Him.
In your “alone” time, you will pray, read the Word, and wait in the presence of God -- listening for His instructions. Each time you get before the Lord and petition Him, He will answer you.
You often miss hearing His answer because you do not wait long enough in His presence for Him to speak. You can become impatient, if He does not speak in the first two minutes, and walk away without an answer from Him. I have been guilty of this and then wondered why God has not spoken to me. It is not that He has not spoken. It is that you are too busy to be still and hear His voice.
The Bible tells you that the Holy Spirit speaks in a still, small voice. He will not yell over the ringing of the phone, the noise of the television, or even the roar of normal conversations. I have not experienced many times in my life when the Holy Spirit has yelled or shouted to get my attention. The few times He has done so were to give me a warning of impending danger.
When God speaks to your heart, you need time to ponder and reflect on what you have heard and to wait for further instructions. A key to your success as you spend time alone with God is to know that His anointing is on the instructions that you hear, receive, and obey.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
How often do I spend time alone with God?
Monday, May 18, 2009
Time Commitment
Your destiny requires time to plan and to prepare. In your time commitment, you should have seasons when you cannot be reached by phone. Often the phone keeps you distracted when you should be focusing on the task before you.
I cannot begin to tell you how often the phone would ring the moment I sat down to spend time with God or to begin working on a project that would lead to my destiny. I finally learned that ignoring it was not the key because the ringing would still disturb me. So I began turning it off during times of study and preparation so my mind and my heart could become focused on what was before me.
You have to decide how you will commit your time. Will you spend hours on the phone or in front of the television, when you have projects that need your attention?
The television is a distraction for many of you. You can spend hours of unproductive time watching it and living out other people’s dreams instead of pursuing your own dreams.
You have to develop a schedule and a plan of action about how you will use your time. Remember, each day God has given you enough grace and time to accomplish what He has for you to do. If you use this time wisely, you will not miss a step in the preparation process.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
What have I committed my time to?
Friday, May 15, 2009
The Cost of Preparation
To be successful in life you will often pay a price for your success. The preparation that is required for your success can come with a heavy price tag. This is not to scare you, but to let you know that you have to determine in your heart that you are prepared to go all the way with God so you can succeed.
You must determine that there is nothing too difficult that will prevent you from persevering till you attain your destiny. As I think back over the four years I spent in college, I can truly say that it was a great expense for me.
Since I was responsible for the entire bill, I had to work; I found a job in a retail store. I went to class from seven in the morning to twelve noon on Mondays through Thursdays. I then worked from one in the afternoon to nine in the evenings. When I arrived home from work, I studied and prepared for the next day.
During that four-year period, I slept only five hours a night. Many of you can tell the same story. There was a cost, a sacrifice, to attain the things that you have thus far accomplished with your life. You willingly paid the price because you had a goal in mind.
There is a cost to prepare yourself for what God has in store for you. Preparation is required so that you can be effective in your assignments.
Please ponder and meditate on this?
What is the price of my preparation?
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Time Commitment
Your destiny requires time to plan and to prepare. In your time commitment, you should have seasons when you cannot be reached by phone. Often the phone keeps you distracted when you should be focusing on the task before you.
I cannot begin to tell you how often the phone would ring the moment I sat down to spend time with God or to begin working on a project that would lead to my destiny. I finally learned that ignoring it was not the key because the ringing would still disturb me. So I began turning it off during times of study and preparation so my mind and my heart could become focused on what was before me.
You have to decide how you will commit your time. Will you spend hours on the phone or in front of the television, when you have projects that need your attention?
The television is a distraction for many of you. You can spend hours of unproductive time watching it and living out other people’s dreams instead of pursuing your own dreams.
You have to develop a schedule and a plan of action about how you will use your time. This will enable you to commit your time to that which will produce a harvest in your life.
In your time commitment, you will come to understand that nothing is as vital as the time you spend hearing from God and receiving the instructions He has for your life and the fulfillment of your destiny. Plan and prepare so you will not miss what God has for you.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
What has been taking up the majority of my time?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The Cost of Preparation
To be successful in life you will often pay a price for your success. The preparation that is required for your success can come with a heavy price tag. This is not to scare you, but to let you know that you have to determine in your heart that you are prepared to go all the way with God so you can succeed.
You must determine that there is nothing too difficult that will prevent you from persevering till you attain your destiny. As I think back over the four years I spent in college, I can truly say that it was a great expense for me. Since I was responsible for the entire bill, I had to work; I found a job in a retail store. I went to class from seven in the morning to twelve noon on Mondays through Thursdays. I then worked from one in the afternoon to nine in the evenings. When I arrived home from work, I studied and prepared for the next day.
During that four-year period, I slept only five hours a night. Many of you can tell the same story. There was a cost, a sacrifice, to attain the things that you have thus far accomplished with your life. You willingly paid the price because you had a goal in mind. There is a cost to prepare yourself for what God has in store for you.
You have to be willing, available and flexible to what God has for you to do. You must be determined that no matter what the obstacles you will persevere because in persevering you will always win.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
What am I willing to do to fulfill my destiny?
Monday, May 11, 2009
Our Submission
In order for you to totally submit, you must model yourself after the example of Jesus. You must acknowledge that submission is a part of the will of God for your life. You must first yield your will over to God with the full understanding that He will mold and shape you into the image and likeness of His Son.
As you begin submitting to the preparation process, the Bible encourages you to submit to one another -- to earthly authority, to men, to leaders, and to masters. To willingly submit yourself to these authorities, you should know that there is no loss of dignity; but there will be an increase in the power of God in your life.
Submission is not a subservient word or position. It takes a powerful person to truly submit to another’s authority. Submission requires obedience even when you are not in full agreement. It is the total surrender of what you may think and believe to allow someone else the opportunity to be right. That takes power!
Have you ever been in a heated discussion and you knew without a doubt that you were right, but in order to bring peace to the situation, you backed off? That is submission. Even though you were right, you yielded to another person’s desire to be right in order to bring harmony. You give up your right to be right, and that decision has the power to transform your relationships and change the lives of the people who receive the benefit of your submission.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
How can I experience the power in submission?
Friday, May 8, 2009
Submission to the Process
You serve an omniscient God who promised you eternal life from before time began (Titus 1:2). God knew that Adam would fail and implemented His plan for your redemption before the foundation of the world. I like to think that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit had a meeting in Heaven to determine which of them would redeem mankind.
One of them had to decide to be the perfect substitute for us. He had to yield up His title, be willing to be born as a baby, and suffer the hurt and pain of rejection in order to bring us eternal life.
The decision that Jesus made to be our Savior required the submission of His position, authority, and will to that of the Father. It took love and a willingness to die for others. In His submission, He accepted unjust punishment. When He was wrongfully accused, He did not in turn accuse others; and when He was threatened, He did not respond in kind.
He submitted to the preparation process because He understood what was at stake. We are told, “Who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Heb. 12:2). He willingly gave up His throne, splendor, worship, and adoration to save a people who would mock, ridicule, scorn, and then hang Him on the cross.
He submitted willingly, fully understanding what He would face. Jesus is our perfect example of submission - though right, He gave up His rights and went to the cross to redeem us.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
Will I submit my all just like Jesus?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The Cleansing
Have you ever been at a place in your life when all seems well? For a change everything was going along peacefully. You found contentment and are happy to finally get there after much struggling. For a season, you continued to enjoy this contentment, then one day something happened that knocked you sideways, and you were plunged into a season of pain, hardship, and in some cases devastation.
The Bible is clear that the devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (I Peter 5:8). It did not say he was a roaring lion but that he is like a roaring lion. I have seen pictures of lions without teeth and that is the picture of what the devil looks like. He seems tough and scary, but when he opens his mouth to roar at you, you realize to your amazement that he is toothless.
When you are plunged into seasons of pain and hurt, the toothless devil is roaring; and his roar can cause you some pain, as well as concern. God knows that the devil will roar into your life from time-to-time. His roar can be painful, but God will use the pain to begin His cleansing work in you. He begins to prune away things that seem perfectly fine and necessary to you.
I remember a time when I was finally in a season when I thought I was going to get some rest from my struggles and valleys. In the midst of this season, a friend decided to share some of my personal struggles with some of her friends. This friend had known me for a long time, and she knew I was a private person, yet she chose to share my personal information. This caused me great pain, and in the midst of my pain, I asked God why? His response was, “I am in the process of pruning unnecessary relationships out of your life so I can draw you closer to Me.” I can truly say though, the pruning was as painful as it was necessary.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
What is God currently pruning in your life?
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
God’s Preparation Process
It goes without saying that the preparation process of God is entirely different from ours. If you have been in relationship with God for any length of time, you will know that during His preparation He often goes after things in your life that are very deep and painful. He is after that which will cause you to grow and develop into the likeness of Christ.
Jesus makes it clear that He is the True Vine, our life source, and we are the branches who receive our nourishment from Him. He carefully watches over the branches to determine which ones are bearing fruit in His Kingdom. In order for the branch to bear any fruit, it must stay connected and reside within the source of life, the Vine.
As the Vine, Jesus is the stem of the plant, which gives support. He is the only one who can direct you to your destiny and support you in the fulfillment of it. The branch must abide with Jesus and act in accordance with His will to get the power it needs to be effective.
Part of abiding is that you not only agree with what Jesus says, but that you also submit to His plans. You are clearly depicted, as a branch, which means you are a part of the stem of the plant and not the plant itself so you take your nourishment directly from Him.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
Is God currently preparing you for destiny?
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Our Acceptance
In order for us to be accepted by the King of Glory, our great God, the requirement is not one year of preparation or purification. We are acceptable just as we are, when we make Jesus our personal Savior and Lord. We find instant acceptance when we acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God by believing that He was born of a virgin and willingly gave up His life on a cruel cross for us. When we acknowledge that He rose from the dead and is now seated at the right hand of God making intercession for us, we will find no rejection, only acceptance. To gain acceptance we must simply come to Him just as we are.
When the Holy Spirit begins to tug at our hearts, we make a decision to surrender our wills to Him; and He instantly comes in and begins a work of purification.
Jesus our Savior is not looking for outward perfection, but He is looking for hearts that are ripe and open to Him. He is looking for those who will say, “Yes, Lord.” The moment you say “Yes” to Him, He comes in, and the transformation begins. Others can see the transforming work He does on the inside of you.
Like Mary the mother of Jesus who willingly said “Yes” to the plan of God for her life and our redemption, we must also willingly say “Yes” each time we hear the voice of God.
God is looking for a people who will not question Him regarding His plans and destinies for them but those who willingly undertake all that He assigns to their life to do.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
Have you accepted God’s call on you life?
Friday, May 1, 2009
Preparation for Your Destiny
When most people hear the word “preparation,” immediately a picture comes to mind - a picture of hard work or extra time spent in training. For others, it is a feeling of readiness and anticipation of a coming event.
Preparation is having foresight of a possible outcome. It is laying the groundwork for that which you desire to take place. Still for others it is preparing a solid foundation on which they can build a strong and secure destiny.
In Old Testament times, we find a clear picture of the world’s definition of preparation. In Esther’s time, a woman was presented to the king only after she had spent one year being purified and prepared. For six months, she was bathed in oils and myrrh to soften her skin. The next six months were spent applying all types of aromas and perfumes to her body. All bodily impurities had to be removed before she was presentable. The outer appearance had to be one of total perfection. Once the preparation process was complete, along with a host of other beautiful ladies, she was ready to be presented to the king who then made his choice.
Imagine spending a year being prodded, scrubbed, perfumed, and then finally meeting the king only to learn that he did not choose you. How disappointing that must have been for many of those young ladies and how devastating for others! In your life there is a season of preparation. This process is far different from the world’s preparation process.
God is the one who prepares you for His purposes and plans and He is thorough in the process. The first step in the process is to come into an intimate and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The moment you begin the relationship with Jesus, God begins preparing you for your destiny.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
I am currently being prepared for my destiny?