Monday, March 9, 2009

Rest For The Chosen

Hebrews 3:11(NIV) – So I declared on oath in my anger, “They shall never enter my rest.”

It appears as if God was denying rest to His people in this scripture, but that is not the case. God was trying to give the Israelites, His chosen people, rest from all their laboring and striving but they simply would not receive it.

They were accomplishing nothing of value for God and themselves because they depended on their own strength and power. Coming out of Egyptian bondage, being slaves for years, they could not conceive that it was possible to enjoy life without the daily struggles they had endured.

God desired to give them “true rest.” This rest is one He had so lovingly provided for them so they would not have to work and toil. He provided their daily food, their clothes did not wear out, and He protected them day and night; but they could not fully receive all His provisions.

In anger, God declared that they would never enter His rest. It was the Father’s frustration because they were not able to receive the provisions that were available to them. Although God was angry, He still loved the Israelites and had tremendous compassion for them.

God wants to give you the same degree of rest. He knows the hardships you have faced and are facing; and He invites you, just as He did the Israelites, to come and enter into His rest. This rest is a place where you can trust Him with your health, your finances, your family, and all the secret longings of your soul.

He is extremely faithful and because you are His, He wants you to trust Him to bring about His best results in your life. Are you willing to rest in Him today?

Ponder and meditate on this:

How can I completely embrace the rest of God in my life?

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