Thursday, April 30, 2009
Reasons for God’s Pursuit
Have you ever chased after a job, relationship, or goal? In that chase were you committed and willing to do whatever was necessary to attain the prize? You prayed, you fasted, and sought wise counsel to ensure that you were in proper alignment so you would not miss the opportunity when it presented itself to you. You pursued the job, the relationship, or the goal because you knew that it would benefit your life and enrich you in many ways.
God has many reasons for His pursuit of you. Before you were conceived in the minds of your parents and even before your parents came together, God had already planned your life, your days, and your destiny. Before He selected the womb in which you would be born, He formed your personality and your character. He had intimate knowledge of who you were before you were born. It is clear that you existed in Him before your earthly parents even thought of you. He knew that some of you would have very direct and straightforward personalities while others would be quiet and calm.
We are created in the image of God, and the Bible says that God is a Spirit. It is, therefore, clear that our spirit was with God before He gave us a body to inhabit. When God formed us, He purposely set us apart and gave us various assignments to fulfill. He made us a prophet to the nations. We are the ones who will tell the truth of who He is to all those we meet. He gave us a voice so that we can testify of His goodness to all mankind.
As His prophets, we proclaim to the nations that there is no other God besides Him. We are His hands, feet, and voice to those who are in need of God’s love, hope and grace.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
Why does God pursue us?
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Pursuing and Finding the Chosen
The heart of God is tender and open toward you. He searches for His chosen people so He can love and show His delight in them. He wants to pour the essence of Himself into you so you can bring help to those in need. He is seeking for a people who will declare to nations His love, mercy, forgiveness, and hope.
When God gets hold of these people, He demonstrates an unchanging love toward them. He begins by showing them how much they please Him and bring joy to His heart. It is a picture of parents watching and observing everything that a newborn baby does. They are aware, alert, listening, watching, and engaging in every new accomplishment. They stand and applaud with delight and joy every victory and every step.
God is a loving parent who watches your every move and cheers you on. As you grow and develop, God begins to train you to maintain peace and order around you. He teaches you how to give compassion and mercy to those who need it. He teaches you to be like Him as you dispense to others the same grace He has given you.
In every difficult circumstance, God teaches you how to gain victory and how to keep the flame of hope alive in your heart. God is always pursuing you because He has chosen you for Himself.
Please ponder and meditate on this?
Why does God pursue me?
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The Quest
God is on a quest for you! He is on the lookout for you. He is searching for you because He wants to strengthen you. The eyes of God are roaming the earth, looking for people whose hearts are set on Him. He is looking for people who desire to please Him. In His search, God is looking for people with steadfast hearts, hearts that are dedicated and committed to serve Him.
When God searches and finds these people, He chooses those that are sold out to His plans and purposes for their lives. In order to effectively fulfill the plans of God, you must be a mature believer in whom He can establish His covenant. If you are easily moved by every doctrine you hear, it will keep you from having a covenant relationship with God. I have known many people who have one foot in the Church and one in the world. The Bible defines them as being double-minded and easily blown away by every wind of doctrine.
God wants to raise a standard for all of you who are willing to serve Him with your whole heart. The standard is to stand for Him no matter what the cost.
The above scripture is clear that when God finds these believers, He will strengthen them with His power and might so He can fulfill great destinies through them. It is, and has always been, the desire of God to bless you, to empower, and to give you access to everything in His Kingdom.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
Do you know God is on a quest for you?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Second Pursuit
Hosea 3:1 - Then the Lord sad to me, “Go again; show love to a woman who is loved by another man and is an adulteress, just as the Lord loves the Israelites though they turn to other gods and love raisin cakes.
After marrying the prophet and having three children, Gomer left her home and family and went back to prostitution. God told the prophet to go get her and to bring her home. Imagine with me how the prophet must have felt - his shame, embarrassment, and confusion over Gomer’s desertion. He had given her his love, a home and family; but, apparently, it was still not enough for her since she walked away for them.
God was not finished with Gomer or His pursuit of her. God instructed the prophet Hosea to go after her a second time and to bring her home. In obedience to God, Hosea went looking for her, and found her not only back into prostitution, but she was also sold into slavery. He purchased her for fifteen pieces of silver and five bushels of barley and took her home.
God allowed Hosea to experience this desertion by his wife to show him and the Israelites how their spiritual adultery grieved Him. God was showing them how it felt each time they walked away from Him.
In pursuing Gomer, God was demonstrating through the prophet the love He has for His people. He shows them that, even though they turn away from Him, He will not turn away from them. He continues to pursue and pursue even when we have abandoned Him.
When we sin and completely miss it, God will faithfully, tenderly, and consistently come after you. He will receive you back into the fold, even after you have broken His heart with your wrong choices. When you return to Him, He is merciful and forgiving, never holding your sins and failures against you. He extends undeserved grace to you and never condemns you. When you return to Him, He simply says, “welcome home, my son, my daughter, welcome home.”
Like Gomer, many of us at times have walked away from God but God keeps right on pursuing us. We are thankful to have such a loving and compassionate father.
Please ponder and meditate on this?
How many times has God had to pursue you?
Hosea 1:3a – So he went and married Gomer daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son.
As I studied the life of Gomer, the prostitute, I could not help but wonder what devastation caused her to choose that life. In life you will go through many painful experiences; and, if you are not careful to find refuge in God, the enemy will cause you further devastation. I am sure that Gomer was wounded and needed to be rescued. God, in His infinite love, sent her a deliverer.
After marrying the prophet Hosea, God lifted Gomer from a life of pain, lack, and heartache and gave her a home and family with someone well known throughout Israel. God took her from insignificance to a life of meaning and significance.
Many of you would have been content to stay there the rest of your life, but not Gomer. It is clear that she had the love, the protection, and covering of a husband and home, yet she walked away and went back to a life of prostitution. With her decision, it is apparent that something vital was still missing in her soul and that her old nature had not been crucified. Gomer was still searching for something.
I am sure in her marriage to the Prophet she encountered many challenges from the Israeli people that she had to work at overcoming. Her self-worth and self-esteem had to be at the lowest level when dealing with the challenges and new responsibilities. She must have needed constant reassurance and encouragement. Even though God had rescued and redeemed her, she did not find her full sufficiency in Him and her family. There was a void that was still in her heart. Therefore, she went back to her former life looking for what she felt was still missing but not finding it. She only found a deeper level of pain and rejection and would once again require God to rescue and reclaim her.
Ho many times has God delivered us and we still find ourselves back in our old situations. The love of God will never stop pursuing you no matter what. He will keep pursuing you until He wins you back because His love for you is amazing.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
What has God delivered me from and am I free indeed?
The Prophet’s Pursuit
Hosea 1:2-3 (CSB) - When the Lord first spoke to Hosea, He said this to Him: “Go and marry a promiscuous wife and have children of promiscuity for the whole land has been promiscuous by abandoning the Lord.” So he went and married Gomer daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son.
Hosea the prophet was known as the prophet of restoration, and his name means “Yahweh has saved.” It is therefore not surprising that God would use his life to demonstrate to you His saving and redeeming grace.
The story of Hosea is a story of how God restores backsliders who have strayed away from Him. When I began to reflect on the pursuit of God, I could not help but be moved by the story of Hosea and the amazing love God has for us. Those whom God has chosen, He openly pursues with a tenderness and love that is measureless.
God is consistent in His pursuit even when time and time again we turn away from Him. He faithfully and consistently pursues us, as demonstrated by the command He gave Hosea to marry the prostitute.
The story of Hosea is a clear indication of the love of God for all His children. When God instructed Hosea to marry a temple prostitute, I can well imagine his reaction to God’s command. It probably went something like this: “I know that I am not hearing from God. I am missing something here. What will my family and friends say about me? I will be the talk of the town because they will probably think that I have lost my mind.”
Hosea did not hesitate to follow the instructions from God because He had a relationship with God and trusted his ability to hear and follow God’s instructions.
There are times when God will ask all of us to do something out of the norm and we must also believe and move out based on what we hear God speaking to our hearts.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
What has God asked me to do that does not appear normal?
The Pursuit of the Chosen
Hosea 1:2-3 (CSB) - When the Lord first spoke to Hosea, He said this to Him: “Go and marry a promiscuous wife and have children of promiscuity for the whole land has been promiscuous by abandoning the Lord.” So he went and married Gomer daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son.
The story of the prophet Hosea is an amazing story. The Lord told Hosea the prophet to marry a prostitute.
The children of Israel had once again abandoned Him, and He was about to demonstrate to them His steadfast pursuit, unfailing love, and commitment.
God is always pursuing those that He loves and who have chosen to serve Him. In the story of Hosea, we find God willingly pursuing a people who had walked away from Him. God desires for His people to be loved and cared for and to live in abundance, not only materially but spiritually, as well. He wants you to experience wholeness and completeness in your life. This wholeness and completeness can only be found under His protection and covering.
When God pursues His children, He is on a quest to return you to a right relationship with Him. He chases after you even in your sin. God hunts for you. He willingly undertakes any challenges and will follow you into the darkest places of your life to bring deliverance to you. He does so because He does not want you to be without hope, lost, or alone. He is a God who courts His children so that He can once and for all win your affection. He pursues you to bring you back into fellowship and right relationship with Him.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
Why does God pursue you?
Monday, April 20, 2009
Hannah’s Surrender to God’s Service
1 Samuel 1:10-11 (NWT) – And she was bitter of soul, and she began to pray to Jehovah and to weep greatly. And she went on to make a vow and say: O Jehovah of armies, if you will without fail look upon the affliction of your slave girl and actually remember me, and you will not forget your slave girl and actually give your salve girl a male offspring, I will give him to Jehovah all the days of his life, and no razor will come upon his head.
Hannah was barren and could not have children so she went to God and beseeched Him for a son. God saw her heart and her desire; and because she was willing to surrender all to God, He gave her the desire of her heart – He gave her a son.
When Hannah pursued God, she received the reward of her pursuit and the answer to her prayers. I want you to take hold of this picture. The Bible said that for years she was mocked, scorned, and taunted. She wept and prayed for God to deliver her. God moved in her situation by rewarding her with a son. In turn, God used this longed-for son to be the Priest of the Israeli people. The son she sought God for earnestly, God used mightily.
Each time the people who knew her, when she was barren, heard the name “Samuel,” they could not help but remember that this was Hannah’s, the barren woman’s, son. God not only gave her a son, but He gave her one that was famous, one who had His heart and was a leader in His nation.
Consider all the mothers who had children during Hannah’s time. Their children have died and gone to their rewards, and today there is no mention of them in the Bible. However, the son Hannah prayed and waited for with such anguish has a different ending -- we are still hearing and learning about today. God is, indeed, a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
What is the deepest longing of your heart? God will also hear and answer you as He did Hannah, if you will not give up.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
How must I position myself to allow God to move in my life?
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Reward of Service
Hebrews 11:6 (NIV) - And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.
There is a reward not only for your faith but also a reward for your service. Since God is the rewarder of those who seek after Him, He is also the rewarder of those who will provide service to others.
Your faith is the key that unlocks your storehouse of blessings, and that same faith brings pleasure to the heart of God. He is pleased with you, when you demonstrate confidence and trust in Him. You must believe that God exists in order for you to serve Him wholeheartedly.
At some point in your relationship with God, you must get beyond the point of just believing in Him to a place of knowing that He is real and available to you. As you earnestly seek after Him, He comes with His rewards to your life. God is no respecter of persons. Wherever He finds faith, He rewards. God is looking for people who will demonstrate complete faith and confidence in Him.
If you take the principles of God’s Word, embrace them, believe and apply them, they will work in your life just as God has allowed them to work in the lives of others. God is not partial. He will not bless one and not another who is applying the same principles of His Word in their life.
When you are faithful to God in your service to Him and others, God will be doubly faithful to you. You cannot out give God. Because you have given, there is a great reward that awaits you. You must look for these rewards and expect them to daily unfold in your life.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
Will my service be rewarded here on earth or only in heaven?
The Sacrifice of Service
The Apostle Paul gives us a clear understanding of the cost that he and others endured, as they provided service to others for the cause of Christ. Hard work is a requirement for doing anything great either in the Kingdom of God or with your life.
All of you at times must sacrifice something, whether it is your time, efforts, or some friendships, as you pursue what God has destined for your life. I think about people who start new businesses. They spend countless hours both in the preparation process, as well as the time spent to provide the actual service. It costs them something to develop a successful business, but they were willing to make the sacrifice to meet the needs.
When you decide to do something of great value with your life, you must approach it with the understanding that this is a life-long commitment and responsibility. Often the preparation process will be labor-intensive, and you may have to endure some struggles to get to the end result. In this sacrifice, you must give total dedication to what you are doing in order for it to produce the results that you are seeking. At times you have to crucify your flesh and your personal desires to get to the desired destination. In any endeavor you consider pursuing, you have to prepare for disappointments.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
Have I sacrificed my all in service to God and others?
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Wholehearted Service
When I consider wholehearted service, the word integrity and doing good comes to mind. Integrity is giving your all to whatever you have been called and chosen to do. It is the assurance others have that they can depend on you to keep your word. To wholeheartedly serve others, you must have total commitment to the process. This commitment must be such that, if you are unable to meet the obligation, you will call the person and state the reason that you are unavailable.
When you give to others, you are serving the Lord wholeheartedly. All of your heart must become engaged and involved in your service so the people you are serving will be blessed by your sacrifice.
You will face times of uncertainty, as you begin to give your all in wholehearted service, but you must remember that courage will get you into position for God to use you and to bless you. It takes courage to do what seems impossible to you, but nothing is impossible with your God. If God has given you the assignment, He has also given you the grace to accomplish it.
God will not ask you to do something that He has not already equipped you to do. You may be unaware of the equipping; but as you take a step of faith - for some it will be a leap of faith, you will discover what you needed was already in you just waiting to be discovered.
Ponder and meditate on this?
How can I give my life away in wholehearted service to God and oth
Monday, April 13, 2009
Serve Generously
Service can either be viewed from a positive or negative mindset. Each time you serve with generosity your are planting seeds into good soil. When a seed enters the soil it will germinate, grow, and then bear fruit.
Each time you serve others you are planting seeds that will generate a harvest in your life. It is difficult to give you best seed and not reap a harvest.
To serve generously, we must learn to give from our hearts. When we give from our hearts, it will benefit others and make a significant difference in their lives.
If we serve reluctantly - are we truly serving? Being joyful and cheerful in our services gives people an opportunity to see God at work in our lives. Each time we step out of self to serve others, God will cause His favor to abound in our lives.
When we serve with generosity, it is a demonstration of our heartfelt thanks to God for all He has done and will continue to do in our lives.
When men see our generosity in serving others, they will know that it is God-inspired and God-given, which will enable them t praise God for His wonderful works.
As you serve, know that God will reward you for each act of service you provide.
Ponder and meditate on this:
Do I serve with generosity or do I serve begrudgingly?
Friday, April 10, 2009
Requirements for Service
When we serve, there will be a requirement for fulfilling our service. One of the requirements is a willingness to offer ourselves to God, as an act of worship.
As we serve God, and do what He requires, other people may not be happy with our service to Him. As a result, we may spend more time than necessary trying to please people instead of pleasing God. You are required to please only Him! As you please Him, all others will eventually come in alignment with God.
The scriptures encourage us to consider others by putting them first. This is sacrificial giving when we willingly lay down our desires, and our lives to meet the needs of others.
We are required to give our all to be of service in the Kingdom of God. It is daily taking up our cross and following where God leads. This requires deep trust and confidence in God’s ability to take care of us, as we serve Him and others.
Another requirement for service is to be faithful. A faithful person will grow and expand in the kingdom of God. God is looking for faithfulness in our service to Him and the people He places around us.
Please ponder and meditate on this:
Are you faithful in your service to God?
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Heart of a Servant
Our hearts are the center of who we are. It is from our hearts that we gain the desire to serve. Whatever begins in our hearts will affect our whole life. That is why we are encouraged in the scriptures to guard our hearts.
It is from our hearts that we serve not only God but others. To have a heart of a servant, we must be committed to the things of God and to follow His plan for our lives.
Each of us has been called to serve others, which means that we have a desire to make a difference. To serve others means that we have a desire to help people from all walks of life. As we serve, we must be courageous and not be afraid or ashamed to appear small in the eyes of the world to benefit the lives of people.
A person with a servant’s heart gladly receives assignments, serves with a glad heart, and is willing to be led by the Holy Spirit of God, as they serve.
Some people in our society look down on those who clean or serve in restaurants or other service-related industries. They overlook the fact that many of these people are successful because they serve others and meet the needs of people.
It does not matter what your vocation is, as long as you are serving people in some way. What we must realize is that service is our highest calling, as it was for Jesus. He came to earth to save a needy people on the cross at Calvary.
Jesus served us by dying! As you serve, you are becoming more and more like Jesus.
Ponder and meditate on this:
Do I have a heart to serve others?
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The Power to Serve
Jesus demonstrated what service should look like. He did not consider serving His disciples or us as something that was beneath Him. He willingly gave His life for us by dying on the cross.
Jesus is the perfect example of servanthood. He gave and keeps on giving of Himself. In order for us to serve effectively, humility must be a foundation of our lives. Without humility, we will not be able to serve unselfishly.
When we choose to serve others, we set aside our own desires in order to meet the needs of others. Serving unselfishly is not a natural character trait. It takes perseverance and humility to submit our pride, ego, and needs so we can walk in someone else’s shoes and make a difference in their life.
The power to serve comes though a relationship with Jesus Christ. He gives us the power and desire to say, “Yes, I am available and willing for whatever is needed from me.”
The greatest key to serving is that you are not limited to a single position. You are at a place where God is molding you. When serving in Christ, you will always experience unspeakable joy.
Jesus is our perfect model of a servant, and we should follow His example and serve as He served.
Ponder and meditate on this:
When is serving others so vital in my growth?
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Called To Serve
We often see successes in certain industries because of the service they provide to meet the needs of people. We are designed to serve others. To serve effectively, we must want to serve; and we must determine to serve with our whole heart.
When you begin to serve, you have to decide to pour yourself into every assignment. You give your best service when you realize that you are serving God and not man. Men receive the blessings of your service to the Lord, but God will reward you for every good deed you perform.
God has called us to serve others. We serve in our homes, on the job, in church, in school, in ministry, etc. It is the highest calling of our life to serve people -- whether they are small or great, bound or free.
Jesus is our perfect example of service. He came to earth for one purpose only -- to serve mankind. His service for us required the giving of His life. It is then clear, as we serve, we are giving our lives away for others.
The scriptures tell us to serve wholeheartedly. It means to serve with your heart, your soul, your mind, and your body. You do not withhold any part of your life from fully serving.
When you pour yourself wholeheartedly into everything you do for others, God will pour out His blessing, His favor and His abundance in your life.
Ponder and meditate on this:
Do I serve others with gladness?
Thursday, April 2, 2009
You Are A Giver
Romans 5:8 – But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners Christ died for us.
We were created in the image of the ‘giver of life’. The One we serve demonstrated His love for us through His giving. He gave of Himself in the form of His Son. We were designed not only to look like Him but also to act like Him.
The scriptures tell us clearly that -- because of love -- God gave and keeps on giving to us. Love is His motivation for giving to our lives. While we were lost, alone, and without hope, God sent His very best to redeem our lives.
Because of the nature of the One who lives in us, it is unnatural for believers not to have a heart to give.
We can give of our time, our effort, our resources and ourselves. When we are giving, we are fulfilled. When we step out of self, and meet the needs of others, we begin to fulfill God’s purposes for our lives.
There are people who live to give. They live in our homes, on the mission fields, in our churches and communities. We were designed to be one of those people.
Ponder and meditate on this:
Do I live to give?
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
A Peculiar People
Many of us have been called strange and unusual at times. This is a compliment for those who understand that what people are saying is they are having a difficult time understanding us.
God has called us His ‘peculiar’ people. We are His ‘peculiar treasures’. When the world looks at us, they see people who live life differently from them. They don’t understand us. We look and operate differently than the world. The world lives on a reverse system from ours, which is why they think we are strange and unusual. We confound their logical way of thinking because we do not act like them, when we are tried in the fires of adversity.
When we choose to rejoice in the midst of grief and difficulties, the world considers us unusual. What they don’t understand is that there is One who sustains us through it all. His name is Jesus!
We should be encouraged and celebrate who we are and know that we are amazing to God. He loves us as we are because we are just like Him!
Please ponder and meditate on this:
What makes me special to God and others?